Old Comprehensive Exams

This archive contains comprehensive exams that date from before Fall 2020 when the comprehensive exam requirement changed. These exams are probably only of interest to students who started their MS before that term.


The Spring 2008 and later exams have solutions. The occasional references are to

  • Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th ed.
  • Dummit and Foote, Abstract Algebra, 3rd ed.

There is also a collection of miscellaneous solutions to older exam questions.

For some reason there was a Winter Quarter 2002 exam: Winter 02


The exam offered in Fall 2006 is labeled as Spring 2006 because it was intended to be offered in Spring 2006.

The exam offered in Spring 2011 is labeled as Fall 2010 because it was intended to be offered in Fall 2010.


Comprehensive exams in probability were not offered until Spring 2017.