Combat E-mail Viruses and Spam

Help protect your e-mail account from viruses and spam by following these simple recommendations:

Do not open attachments from unknown senders.

Do not forward messages or attachments from unknown senders.

Responding simply confirms to the sender that yours is a valid e-mail address and increases the probability that your e-mail address will remain on the sender’s distribution list, or be distributed to other spammers.

To determine valid e-mail addresses, spammers may use methods that track when a message is viewed, even if the recipients do not open or reply to the message.

Sometimes links can take you to a web page that automatically starts downloading a virus or file that contains a virus.

A spam message may contain a virus or other program that could damage your computer if opened.

Unsolicited e-mail messages are particularly suspect since spammers can easily counterfeit return addresses. If you need to make a purchase online, go to the vendor's secure Web site.

Never provide your Social Security Number, name, address, mother's maiden name, or other personal identifying information in response to an unsolicited e-mail message. Many spammers can counterfeit a return address, such as a bank's, and trick unsuspecting recipients into revealing confidential information.

Using the Bcc field conceals your recipients' e-mail addresses from the other recipients.

Spammers may utilize techniques to harvest e-mail addresses from public forums and Web sites.

Never give your primary e-mail address to anyone you don't trust.

Use a secondary e-mail address for purchasing online merchandise, submitting online registration forms, or requesting online information and offers. This helps protect your primary e-mail account from abuse.

Configure Outlook to automatically handle junk mail in your campus e-mail account.