The Master of Science degree in Industrial Management prepares students with backgrounds in engineering, business, manufacturing, or related industries to gain management skills that help them in areas involving planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Students can tailor their program to fit their specific needs.
FALL 2025: October 1, 2024 - February 15, 2025 |
Increases the scope of your education
Become a growth driver in the industrial manufacturing sector and find innovative ways to optimize the production process cost-efficiently!
MSIM | Program Learning Outcomes
- Plan and manage industrial and manufacturing operations and apply engineering principles to these processes.
- Demonstrate knowledge of accounting, engineering economy, financial management, industrial and human resources, and management.
- Conduct research, analyze and interpret data to inform decision-making in project management.
- Use technology to effectively oversee the products, processes, and people in a chosen technology-rich field.
MSIM | Student Learning Outcomes
- Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering management tools necessary for industrial practice
- Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, social, safety, environmental, manufacturability, and sustainability.
- Apply knowledge of engineering, technology, and management to industrial and manufacturing operations.
- Design a research project, analyze and interpret data to assess or improve industrial and manufacturing operations.
- Implement a quality control system to improve manufacturing processes and product improvement that applies knowledge from STEM and management.
Reach Out
For information, please contact the Department of Technology
5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032
Office ET A337 | Phone: (323) 343-4550
Email MSIM Advisor, Dr. Jai Hong at [email protected]
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