Collage of students working with Makerspace equipment

The Makerspace was created by students, staff, and faculty with the help of some generous donors to provide access and training for Cal State LA students to design and build. The Makerspace has facilities for design and ideation, prototyping, computer-aided design and simulation, manual and CNC machining, laser cutting, waterjet cutting, and welding. Classes and users share the space in the mornings and open-use and workshops are offered in the afternoons and evenings. Courses using the space include Introduction to Mechanical Design, Introduction to Metalworking, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Capstone Senior Design, and Technology Senior Design. Regular users include members of competition teams (Rocketry, Baja SAE, Robosub, EERI Seismic Design, Geowall Design, Steel Bridge Design, ASCE Concrete Canoe), researchers, and students working on hands-on class projects. Regular workshops are provided by faculty, staff, and lecturers on a variety of topics requested by users.

Don't forget to check out the ECST Makerspace YouTube channel showing instructional videos, previous workshops, and projects made in the space.



Stop by the space at ET B111 or email Prof. Bachman at [email protected]

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