Welcome to the Minor Programs offered by the Civil Engineering Department at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA).
To complete the Construction and Engineering Management Minor, you need to complete the following required courses and two electives (a total of 15 credits). For CE students, up to 6 units can be double-counted with the CE major.
Required Courses:
- CE 3650 (offered every semester)
- CE 4560 (offered in Fall semesters)
- CE 4570 (offered in Spring semesters)
Electives (pick two):
- ACCT 2100
- FIN 3030
- FIN 3380
- GEOG 3690
- MGMT 3070
- MGMT 4108
- MGMT 4505
To declare the minor, please email Dr. Michael Ibrahim at [email protected] and include your plan of fulfilling the minor requirements.
A minor in Urban Sustainability complements degree programs and disciplines across the academic spectrum. The minor helps students to engage their diverse backgrounds to develop sustainable and resilient solutions to pressing issues affecting society, organizations, the environment, and the world. The minor is open to students of all majors.
Program Requirements:
The Minor in Urban Sustainability, available for students in any fields, consists of 15 units. A minimum of 12 units must be distinct from the core requirements in the student's major. A maximum of 3 units may overlap with the electives in the student's major. Students may double-count only six units. Minimum C grades are required in all courses taken to complete the minor program. The minor will be noted on the transcript if the minor requirements are completed by the time all degree requirements are met.
Admission Requirements:
To declare this minor, a student must have completed 4 GE basic subjects and a course each from lower division Blocks B, C and D. Scored satisfactory on placement examination or graded C or better in either MATH 1040 or (MATH 1081 and MATH 1083) or (MATH 1082 and MATH 1083) or (ESM 1082 and MATH 1083). In addition, the following prerequisites must be graded with C or better. (CHEM 1000 or CHEM 1010 or CHEM 1040) and MATH 2110 and (PHYS 1100 or (PHYS 1560 and PHYS 1570) or PHYS 2100).
Minor Requirements (15 units):
Required Course: (3 Units)
- CE 4810: Environmental Sustainability and Renewable Energy
Other Required Courses (choose 6 units out of 9 units)
- CE 3520: Technological Aspects of Urban Environment
- ETEC 3700: Sustainable Energy and Transportation
- ME 3260: Thermodynamics I
Electives (6 units)
- ME 4180: Energy Systems and Sustainability
- ETEC 4700: Zero Emission Vehicles
- ETEC 4720: Photovoltaic Applications
- ETEC 4740: Fuel Cell Applications
- GEOG 3120 or GEOL 3120 - Global Climate Change and the Developing World
- GEOG 3090 - Urban Environmental Pollution
- SOC 4870 Environmental Policy, Law, and Society
To schedule an advising appointment to add the minor to your program and for minor-related questions, please email the Director of the Minor, Prof. Arezoo Khodayari ([email protected] ). In your email, please include your plan for fulfilling the minor requirements. Advising appointments are scheduled during her office hours. Please check Dr. Khodayari’s webpage for her office hours. For any advising questions related to how the minor would impact your major course enrollment and graduation requirements, please see your major principal advisor.