Dear Students, Faculty and Staff
The forms most commonly used by students within the College of Arts & Letters and the University can be found using the links provided on this page. If a form is not listed, please contact the main office of your department or an academic advisor.
For policies and procedures consult the current Printed Class Schedule and the University Catalog.
The forms listed below and others can be found on the University Registrar website
- Credit by Examination Request Form
- Drop Request Form
- Late Add Request Form
- Leave of Absence
- Nontraditional Grading
- Registrar’s Office Appeal Form
- Undergraduate Request for New Major/Minor
If you have been placed on probation or disqualified, immediately schedule an appointment to see an advisor.
Undeclared majors may seek advisement at the University Academic Advisement
Faculty & Staff
To facilitate the processes and daily operations within the College of Arts & Letters, and to provide guides to make the best administrative and academic decisions, please consult the current University policies and procedures:
Academic Dishonesty Report Form
Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities
CSU Student Conduct Procedures (Executive Order 1098)
Grade Appeals/Academic Grievances
Non-Academic Grievances (Student Grievance Procedures)
Harassment, Discrimination and related Retaliation
Responding to Disruptive or Threatening Student Behavior: A Guide for Faculty and Staff