Cal State LA - Music Department Ensemble Auditions

Cal State LA's Department of Music has many ensemble opportunities available to students of any major across the University. Read below for more information about ensemble auditions for the 2024-2025 academic year. You can also find more general information about our ensembles by clicking here.

Audition Information

Below is a list of all groups auditioning students for the 24-25 academic year. Click on the ensemble name for information about signing up, repertoire, and more.

  • Note: This is not a formal audition, but simply a way for us to get to know your voice and place you in the right spot within the choir.
  • Auditions are Saturday, August 24, 11:00am - 1:30pm in MUS 122. Only new students need to sign up.
  • Sign up for an audition by clicking here.
  • Repertoire:
    • You will be asked to sing a few simple phrases.
    • You will also do some sight-reading for fun!
  • Please contact Dr. Gukhui Han ([email protected]) for more information or with any questions.

  • Note: This is a formal audition.
  • Auditions are Saturday, August 24, 11:00am-1:30pm in MUS 122.
  • New students and students re-auditioning should sign up.
  • Sign up for an audition by clicking here.
  • Repertoire:
    • Please prepare to sing a vocal piece of your choice (an art song, choral excerpt, or musical theater piece is preferred. Please bring a copy of music for the pianist.)
    • Prepare to sing your part from the excerpt provided (click here for the link to a PDF hosted on OneDrive.)
    • You will be asked to do sight-reading.
  • Please contact Dr. Gukhui Han ([email protected]) for more information or with any questions.

  • Students who have played in Wind Ensemble before should submit a video of their playing to Prof. MacIntyre ([email protected]) by 6:00pm on Friday, August 23. See repertoire below.
  • Students joining for the first time will have a live audition. 
  • Repertoire:
    • Two excerpts of music of your choice, one demonstrating lyrical playing and your tone quality and one demonstrating technique. Each no more than 2 minutes for a total playing time of 4 minutes.
    • For percussion, one music excerpt of your choice on each- snare, mallets, and timpani (which will be set up and ready to go in the audition room). Each no more than 1 minute for a total playing time of 3 minutes.
  • Please contact Prof. Dillon MacIntyre ([email protected]) with any questions.

Students will play in the first class session (Thursday Aug 22, 6:00pm) to determine group placement. Please contact Prof. Ken Rosser ([email protected]) for more information.

  • Auditions are in MUS 20 on Aug 21 during the first class meeting. Only students joining for the first time need to audition.
  • Sign up for an audition by clicking here.
  • Repertoire:
    • Singers: Prepare one song from the Latin American repertoire. Be prepared to harmonize a simple melody on the spot.
    • Instrumentalists: Prepare one song from the Latin American repertoire. Be prepared to sightread and also improvise over a standard salsa vamp.
  • Please contact Prof. Uziel Colón Ramos ([email protected]) with any questions.

Contact Prof. Cynthia Reifler Flores ([email protected]) for more information.

  • Students new to orchestra: Please submit a video audition by midnight on Wednesday August 21, uploaded to an unlisted YouTube link and emailed to Prof. Michelle Elliott Rearick, at [email protected].
  • You may go ahead and register for MUS 4329 - this audition is just to determine section placement!
  • Repertoire:
    • Two excerpts of music of your choice, one demonstrating lyrical playing and one demonstrating technique. Each no more than 2 minutes for a total playing time of 4 minutes.
    • On your video, please introduce yourself with your name, major, and how many years you’ve been at Cal State LA. Please also tell me something about you that you’d like me to know!
  • Please contact Dr. Patti Kilroy ([email protected]) with any questions.

  • Auditions will be held Wednesday, August 14 in MUS 20.
  • Please email Prof. Ross Levinson ([email protected]) and Prof. Greg McFall ([email protected]) to sign up for an audition and receive the audition requirements.

Contact Prof. Dillon MacIntyre ([email protected]) for more information.

Contact Prof. Michelle Elliott Rearick ([email protected]) for more information.

Contact Prof. Satik Andriassian ([email protected]) for more information.

Contact Dr. Adam Snow ([email protected]) for more information.