ENGL 4950 - Senior Capstone

All English majors complete a Senior Capstone Project in their final semester at Cal State LA as part of ENGL 4950.

During the course of the semester, students will be guided through reflecting on the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their time at Cal State LA.


"Reflection— a process where students describe their learning, how it changed, and how it might relate to future learning experiences ... is an important practice for students to make sense of and grow from a learning experience, and it is a practice backed by scholarship."[1]


In ENGL 4950, students will create a portfolio with the instructor's guidance that includes examples of work they have completed in their English courses and a reflective essay related to how they have grown as a student, a professional, and an engaged citizen.

The Capstone project is designed with two aims in mind:

  1. To provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their experiences as English majors as Cal State LA, and
  2. To showcase the knowledge, skills, and abilities students have honed as English majors to faculty and potential employers.

Therefore, students will be asked to review the Program Learning Outcomes for English majors and to articulate and provide evidence for how and where they have achieved the learning outcomes during their studies.

Single-Subject Credential Option students should also refer to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing's Domains for English subject teachers, as their portfolios may be designed to reflect their learning in each domain. (Refer to your ENGL 4950 instructor for further guidance.)


All English majors should:

  1. Keep a folder with examples of your work throughout your studies. This could include digital projects, assignments, essays, or discussion forum posts. *We recommend OneDrive or GoogleDrive so you may access files even if you change devices.
  2. Complete a Course Reflection after each English course every semester.

Following these two steps will best prepare students to complete the Capstone and ensure it is a meaningful learning experience.

For more on the benefits of reflecting on your learning, please see:

Building a Culture of Reflection and Integrative Learning through ePortfolios

Learning Through Reflection

The Benefits of Reflective Teaching and Learning