Writing Studies Reading Lists

As a collective of writing studies faculty, we have reviewed the current reading list for Composition, Rhetoric, and Language and would like to propose an entirely new list based on more current conversations in the field:


Field References

Miller, Susan, ed. The Norton Book of Composition Studies, W.W. Norton and Company, 2009.

Tate, Gary. Amy Rupiper, and Kurt Schick. A Guide to Composition Pedagogies, Oxford University Press, 2000.


Computers and Writing

Selfe, Cynthia. Multimodal Composition, Hampton, 2007.

Shipka, Jody. Toward a Composition Made Whole: Composition, Literacy, and Culture, Pittsburgh Press. 2011.


Critical Race Theory and Social Justice Pedagogy

Inoue, Asao B. Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing Writing for a Socially Just Future, The WAC Clearinghouse, 2015.

Lunsford, Andrea and Lahoucine Ouzgane, eds. Crossing Borderlands: Composition and Postcolonial Studies, University of Pittsburg Press, 2004.

Martinez, Aja. Counterstory: The Rhetoric and Writing of Critical Race Theory, National Council of Teachers of English, 2020.

Ruiz, Iris D. Reclaiming Composition for Chicano/as and Other Ethnic Minorities: A Critical History and Pedagogy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.


Language and Literacy

Banks, Adam. “Funk, Flight, and Freedom.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, vol. 67, no. 2, 2015, pp. 267-279. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= EYt3swrnvwU&ab_channel=NationalCouncilofTeachersofEnglish

Brandt, Deborah. Literacy in American Lives, Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Ehrenworth, Mary and Vicki Vinton. The Power of Grammar: Unconventional Approaches to the Conventions of Language, Heinemann, 2005.

Rose, Mike. Lives on the Boundary (1989), Penguin Group, 2005.


Post-Process Theory

Kent, Thomas. Post-Process Theory: Beyond the Writing Process Paradigm, Southern Illinois University Press, 1999.


Translingual Writing Theory

Horner, Bruce, Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur. “Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach.” College English, vol. 73, no. 3, 2011, pp. 303-321.

Horner, Bruce and Laura Tetreault, eds. Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs. University Press of Colorado, 2017.


Writing Studies (Writing about Writing and Threshold Concepts)

Adler-Kassner, Linda and Elizabeth Wardle, eds. Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies, Utah State University Press, 2015.

Downs, Douglas and Elizabeth Wardle. “Teaching About Writing, Righting Misconceptions: (Re)Envisioning ‘First Year Composition’ as ‘Introduction to Writing Studies.’” College Composition and Communication, vol. 58, no. 4, 2007, pp. 552–584.

Kutney, Joshua P. “Will Writing Awareness Transfer to Writing Performance? Response to Douglas Downs and Elizabeth Wardle, ‘Teaching about Writing, Righting Misconceptions.’” College Composition and Communication, vol. 59, no. 10, 2007, pp. 276–279.