Partnership I
Institutions: SERENADES Laboratory, SPACE Laboratory (CSULA), Pasadena City College (PCC)
Goals: Students participate in the research conducted in the SPACE Lab. The learning outcomes are leveraged to the associated educational activities.
Charles Liu, Khosrow Rad, Helen Boussalis (Senior Advisor, and director
of SPACE Laboratory), John Sepikas, Craig Gillingham, Glenn Miller
(Pasadena City College)
Students: Jonathan Roberts, Wing Ho, Paul Thienphrapa Anne Sullivan, John Costello, Lei Zhao, Sergio Beltran
Research [View all research activities]
Constructed an alt-az servo-encoder drive system for a Dobsonian telescope, and built a simplified version of a control system for students to get their hands on experience.
Implemented parallel algorithms for fault-tolerant decentralized signal processing for the SPACE test-bed.
Education [View all educational activities]
Operated a tutorial program for the astronomy department as well as working with Native American students in El Monte. The goal is to encourage those students to enroll in PCC and transfer to CSULA.
Attended the weekly seminars of SPACE Laboratory. The topics include: shape control of JWST using decentralized control technology, embedded control architecture of JWST, scheduling of parallel signal processing tasks, FITS Viewer Design, astronomical image compression and enhancement.
Hosted the SERENADES Laboratory Technical Workshop, June, 2005. 11 presentations were given.
Recruitment [View all recruitment]
SERENADES program encourages minority students to enroll in PCC and
transfer to CSULA. As a result, four students have been transferred from
PCC to CSULA through this partnership. Three students have been hired as
student assistants of the SERENADES program and started their research
studies with the Co-PIs.
Outreach [View all outreach]
The outcome of the research activities has been leveraged to two workshops offered to around 30 PCC students in spring, 2005.
NCLR Escalera High School Student Participation and Involvement: Two-Body Simulation in MatLab and C++ (3 students were involved during summer 2005).
Sponsored the NCLR Escalera Project that allows Hispanic students from Garfield High School to participate in SERENADES researches in summers. One student has been admitted to CSULA. The PI will work with the university to offer the sponsorship at CSULA in a permanent basis.
Scheduled to outreach to the neighboring high schools and community colleges in November, 2004. SERENADES faculty and students will present the distinct opportunity of space science education supported by the laboratory, and how the SERENADES educational pipeline can prepare the students for graduate studies and for future employments in aerospace industry. Also, the research outcomes in astronomical image processing, and engineering of JWST will be presented in an animated fashion. More than 200 students are expected to be outreached during the week.
Invited to the MESA program in Alhambra High School to encourage minority students to pursue degrees in Science and Engineering.
Continually sponsored the NCLR Escalera Project that allows Hispanic students from Garfield High School to participate in SERENADES researches in summers 2004 and 2005.
Outreach to the neighboring high schools and community colleges in February, 2005. SERENADES faculty and students presented the distinct opportunity of space science education supported by the laboratory, and how the SERENADES educational pipeline can prepare the students for graduate studies and for future employment in aerospace industry. Also, the research outcomes in astronomical image processing, and engineering of JWST will be presented in an animated fashion. More than 200 students have been outreached. In November 2005, similar activities will be conducted.
Student accomplishments [View all student accomplishments]
One student has received his B.S. degree with the capstone design topic from his research activities conducted in SERENADES. He has been admitted to the graduate program of Electrical engineering at CSULA.
Another student is expected to finish his master thesis in astronomical image data transmission. He has been hired by industry.
Publications [View all publications]
J. Roberts, H. Boussalis, C. Liu, J. Dong, K. Rad, P. Thienphrapa, et al., “Efficient Real-time Parallel Signal Processing for Decentralized Control Using Group-Pipelined Scheduling,” INFORMATION SYSTEMS: NEW GENERATIONS - ISNG 2004, Las Vegas, NV, USA- November 20, 2004.
P. Thienphrapa, C. Liu, H. Boussalis, K. Rad, et al, , “A Generalized Fault-Tolerant Pipelined Task Scheduling for Decentralized Control of Large Segmented Systems. 2004 ASME CINEMAS Technical Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 2004.
J. Roberts “Fault-tolerant Parallel Processing for the JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) Testbed” Satellite and Education Conference XVII NOAA, Los Angeles, August, 2004.