



*Operated a tutorial program for the astronomy department as well as working with Native American students in El Monte. The goal is to encourage those students to enroll in PCC and transfer to CSULA.
*Attended the weekly seminars of SPACE Laboratory. The topics include: shape control of JWST using decentralized control technology, embedded control architecture of JWST, scheduling of parallel signal processing tasks, FITS Viewer Design, astronomical image compression and enhancement.
*Hosted the SERENADES Laboratory Technical Workshop, June, 2005. 11 presentations were given.



Field trip on Friday May 13th to NASA Goldstone. We toured radio telescopes of the Deep Space Network.
Field trips
to NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. We toured the Microelectronics Device Lab and the Mars Sandbox.
*Lecture entitled “The Search for Extrasolar Planets,” which reviewed the searches that are currently underway for planets around other stars.
*Seminars and workshops on various space science topics: students obtained fundamental knowledge in space science, and were exposed to some widely used astronomical software package such as IDS, SkyView, and IRAF.
*Training courses on astronomical image processing.
*Continually attending the Physics and Astronomy colloquia.
*Attended regular meetings of the Physics Club, and participated in related activities such as astronomy workshops at the California Science Center at Zzyxx, CA. 
*A course - EE 454 Real-time Multimedia Systems - is currently being developed to provide students with knowledge of a client-and-server model of real-time operations for interdisciplinary applications.
Other courses include PHYS 311 Elements of Modern Astronomy and PHYS 412 Lab Applications of Minicomputers and Microcomputers.


Two undergraduate students have participated in summer internships with Boeing and JPL.
*Two graduate students have been enrolled in the NASA Planetary Science Summer School hosted by JPL.
*One undergraduate student from the SERENADES Laboratory has enrolled in the M.S. program at USC. The personnel will focus on fault-tolerant, real-time embedded architecture of the SPACE testbed.