Course Scheduling Resources
Course scheduling is a complex process that requires collaboration from various stakeholders. Successful, student-centered course scheduling is integral to the mission and values of Cal State LA and supports pedagogical needs while maximizing space and seat utilization, ensuring students have access to courses they need for timely graduation. Evaluation of enrollment demand and course offerings and academic and space planning are required.
The guiding principles and resources outlined here ensure course scheduling practices and expectations are equitable and consistent from term to term; balance pedagogical needs and finite space as optimally as possible; ensure courses are scheduled to permit access to the greatest number of students; and apply to all departments, colleges, and academic space.
Scheduling Responsibilities
Academic Services
The Academic Services unit within the Office of the University Registrar manages the production and publication of the Schedule of Classes, facilitates room assignments and reservation of academic space on behalf of Academic Affairs, and ensures course scheduling meets University and systemwide data requirements.
Academic Departments and Colleges
Academic departments and colleges are responsible for developing course schedules aligned with enrollment demand and producing them in accordance with course scheduling dates and deadlines and data entry requirements.
Each department is responsible for designating a department scheduler to complete course scheduling activities and coordinate with the college on the department's behalf. Each college is responsible for designating a college scheduler to coordinate course scheduling activities across the departments and to coordinate with Academic Services on the college’s behalf.
Office of Planning and Budget
The Office of Planning and Budget provides room utilization and enrollment analyses to assist associate deans in each college in the development and refinement of their course schedule for each academic term.
Scheduling Working Group
This advisory group was formed in 2017 and is chaired by the Vice Provost for Planning and Budget. The group consists of department chairs, associate deans, schedulers, and facilities staff who make recommendations to improve course scheduling tools and practices.
The Scheduling Toolkit is designed to gather relevant information and resources for department chairs to help build their course schedules. Inquiries regarding the toolkit should be directed to the Office of Planning and Budget.
Cal State LA complies with standards for awarding credit as defined in Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations, sections 600.2 and 600.4. See University Catalog Procedures and Regulations Credit Hour policy for additional information.
Standard Time Modules
Courses must adhere to standard time modules. See the Office of Planning and Budget Enrollment Planning Resources for additional information.
Courses that are not scheduled adhering to standard time modules are considered “off grid”. See Off Grid Courses for additional information.
Hybrid Courses
Hybrid courses blend in person instruction with more than 25% and less than 100% online instruction and are an increasingly popular format. To promote the most efficient use of academic space, the format endorsed by the University involves scheduling two Hybrid course sections that share a standard time module and room, e.g.:
Example Course: UNIV 1234 | Standard Time Module: Tu Th 8:00-9:15 AM | |
UNIV 1234-01 | In Person: Tu 8:00 – 9:15 AM (KH 1111) | Online: Th (ONLINE) |
UNIV 1234-02 | In Person: Th 8:00 – 9:15 AM (KH 1111) | Online: Tu (ONLINE) |
Other formats do not increase space utilization if they do not enable complementary course sections to share a single standard time module and room. To share a room, courses should have similar enrollment limits and equipment needs.
Combined Sections
Two or more course sections that are taught as a single class (i.e., with the same instructor(s), on the same day(s) and times, at the same location) must be combined. Combined sections may be within the same subject area and may be equivalent (i.e., “cross listed”) although neither is required.
Combined sections require associate dean approval and must be coordinated with Academic Services during the Section Build phase of schedule production via SMF.
Shadow Sections
To allow all departments to schedule courses students need, departments are discouraged from overscheduling sections when demand is unclear. Course sections that are scheduled but which remain closed in anticipation of increased enrollment demand are considered “shadow” sections and may not hold room assignments.
Off Grid Courses
Courses that are not scheduled adhering to standard time modules are considered “off grid” and require prior approval to do so. See Off Grid Course Resources on the Office of Planning and Budget Enrollment Planning Resources website for additional information.
Unapproved off grid courses scheduled during semesters (i.e., Fall, Spring) may be excluded from optimization and suppressed from the published Schedule of Classes and enrollment.
Inquiries regarding off grid course scheduling should be directed to [email protected].
Changing Class Meetings
Class meetings are finalized during schedule production.
Once the Schedule of Classes is published, a class meeting may only be changed to correct University error. Requests for change require associate dean approval, must be coordinated with Academic Services via SMF, and will be subject to room availability. If enrollment is present, the course section will be cancelled, enrollment dropped, and a new course section with the correct class meeting will be scheduled. The department and college are responsible for communicating with the affected students and instructors.
See Late Changes for additional information.
During the Section Build phase of schedule production, rooms categorized as Prioritized or Restricted may be assigned to sections directly in GET.
Information regarding optimization in CollegeNET 25Live will be published soon.
During the Department Review phase of schedule production, any rooms that remain available following the Optimization phase may be assigned directly in GET.
Enrollment and Room Capacity
Enrollment limits reflect the total number of students expected to enroll and are finalized during schedule production.
Setting enrollment limits to facilitate preferred room assignments or to control status of the course section (i.e., whether it is open or closed) is not permitted.
Room capacities may not be exceeded. See Classrooms policy in Faculty Handbook Chapter V: Instructional Policies for additional information.
Course sections with enrollment or enrollment limits that exceed capacity of the assigned room may be suppressed from the published Schedule of Classes and enrollment and subject to adjustment based on room availability.
Note that room capacities are set by state standards based on assignable square footage and under the oversight of the state fire marshal. The standard furniture in the room conforms to that capacity; tables and chairs moved in or out of a classroom by students or employees do not affect the official capacity of the room.
Changing Room Assignments
Room assignments are finalized during schedule production.
Once the Schedule of Classes is published, a room assignment may only be changed to correct University error or accommodate a change in enrollment demand. Requests for change require associate dean approval, must be coordinated with Academic Services via SMF, and will be subject to room availability. The department and college are responsible for communicating with the affected students and instructors.
See Late Changes for additional information.
Room Accessibility
Instructors should notify their department scheduler as soon as possible if access to or within the room is determined to be an obstacle as indicated in the Notification of Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Requests for reasonable accommodation should be addressed to the Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, the campus office assigned with responsibility for ADA compliance, and the Office for Students with Disabilities if the accommodation concerns an enrolled student. These offices will contact Academic Services if the accommodation involves a course scheduling (i.e., room assignment) change, at which point Academic Services will coordinate further with the associate dean.
Use and Entry
University space is provided primarily for the use of instructional programs but may be used for activities of an educational nature and closely related to the mission of the University. Scheduling priority is generally granted to instructional programs followed by intercollegiate and extended education programs, University sponsored activities and activities intended for the campus audience. See Administrative Procedure 505 for additional information.
Instructional space containing standard equipment will be accessible during instructional hours and need not be locked when vacated. Windows and doors to these rooms should be closed and lights turned off when vacated. Facilities Services may be contacted to coordinate entry if a room is locked during instructional hours.
Instructional space containing special equipment may have special entry requirements such as One Card, key, alarm, or Omnilock. Windows and doors to these rooms must be locked when vacated.
Contact the Golden Eagle One Card Office to coordinate access to rooms that require One Card entry. Rooms that require key entry may require coordination with the building administrator. See Administrative Procedure 503 Appendix 8.2 for a list of designated building administrators. Alarms are set according to schedule and should not impact activities during normal instructional hours.
Equipment and Maintenance
Technology and Software
Space Change Requests
Requests to change instructional space must be submitted to the Office of Planning and Budget for review by the Academic Affairs Space Advisory Group. Requests should be submitted with consideration of schedule production, enrollment, and instruction timelines.
Well Being Classrooms
See Well Being Classrooms for information.
Room Types and Categories
Hiding Sections
The published Schedule of Classes is a public record. As such, various Cal State LA offices and off campus institutions refer to it as a means of validating course offerings. All course sections being offered must be viewable.
Hiding offered course sections from the published Schedule of Classes may not be used as a method for managing enrollment. Manage enrollment by utilizing the appropriate methods, which include enrollment requirements (i.e., prerequisites and corequisites, section restrictions), department or instructor add consent requirements, and shadow sections.
Late Changes
Course sections must be finalized during schedule production.
Changes requested after the Schedule of Classes is published are considered late and are not guaranteed.
See below for guidelines regarding some of the most requested late changes:
- Class meetings may be changed to correct University error. See Changing Class Meetings.
- Room assignments may be changed to correct University error or accommodate a change in enrollment demand. See Changing Room Assignments.
- Enrollment limits may be increased to correct University error or accommodate a change in enrollment demand. Enrollment limits may not be decreased.
- Enrollment requirements (i.e., prerequisites and corequisites, section restrictions) may not be changed
- Department or instructor add consent requirements may be removed but not added
- Course section units may not be changed
- Course sections must be cancelled no later than 3 weeks before the first day of instruction. See Cancellations.
Requests for late changes require associate dean and Director of Academic and Facilities Planning approval and must be coordinated with Academic Services via SMF. Unless specified otherwise, late changes may be requested up to the last business day before the start of instruction. Refer to the schedule production timeline for guidance on deadlines.
Course sections scheduled but not offered must be cancelled no later than 3 weeks before the first day of instruction. Cancellations that occur after this point in time may have a variety of negative consequences, including:
- Previously assigned instructors may need to be assigned to different courses, requiring new preparation with little lead time
- Previously enrolled students may be unable to find open seats in alternate courses; their study load may fall below what is required for financial aid and other services that require full time enrollment certification. See University Catalog Procedures and Regulations Study Load policy.
- Previously assigned rooms may not be suitable for reassignment to other courses and thus sit unused, contributing to an overall demonstration of poor space utilization.
For these reasons, associate deans are asked to lead their colleges in closely reviewing low enrolled courses, cancelling sections at least 3 weeks before the onset of the term. These cancellations should be done in close consultation with department chairs and with full consideration of pending registration dates, historical course demand, and other relevant analyses.
Cancellations require associate dean approval and must be coordinated with Academic Services via SMF. Refer to the schedule production timeline for guidance on cancellation deadlines.
Cancellations requested after the start of instruction may also require approval from the Office of Planning and Budget.
See Late Changes for additional information.
Final Exams
Final exams are scheduled centrally through Academic Services for semesters (i.e., Fall, Spring) and Summer Session A (i.e., 10W) term only.
Final exams are scheduled after Census according to the preliminary final exam schedule. Scheduled final exams are viewable to students and instructors in GET Self Service.
Effort is made to schedule final exams to days and times as similar as the regular class meetings and rooms as possible. However, some final exams will be scheduled to alternate days and times to reduce conflicts and to alternate rooms if the regularly used room is unavailable.
All scheduled final exams must utilize standard final exam times, which are as follows:
7:00 – 9:00 AM
9:30 – 11:30 AM
12:00 – 2:00 PM
2:30 – 4:30 PM
5:00 – 7:00 PM
7:30 – 9:30 PM
Significant efforts are taken during the development of the preliminary final exam schedule and final exam scheduling process to reduce the number of conflicts, but some will remain. Colleges are provided with information regarding conflicts so they may further assist their departments with addressing them as needed.
Once scheduled final exams are viewable in GET Self Service, students who identify a conflict should contact their instructors about making alternate arrangements.
Exceptions to scheduled final exams require approval of the department or division chair and the appropriate dean. Instructors who wish to request an exception and who have received approvals should contact their department scheduler for further coordination with their college and Academic Services.
Exceptions for individual students require approval of the instructor and department or division chair.
Exceptions must utilize standard final exam times to reduce conflicts and make efficient use of rooms. Exceptions are subject to room availability and deadlines as published in the schedule production timeline.
See Final Examinations policy in Faculty Handbook Chapter V: Instructional Policies for additional information.
Schedule Production Timelines
Data Gathering
Date | Activity |
(see Scheduling Toolkit) | Suggested date for Chairs to begin collecting data |
(see Scheduling Toolkit) | Office of Planning & Budget consults with Associate Deans on data gathering progress |
(see Scheduling Toolkit) | Deadline for Chairs to provide draft of course schedule to Associate Deans Deadline for Associate Deans to meet with Chairs to review budget and plan for course schedule |
(see Scheduling Toolkit) | Deadline for Chairs to provide draft of course schedule to Department Schedulers |
TBD | Academic Services hosts Schedule Production Kick off Session |
TBD | Academic Services hosts CollegeNET 25Live Academic Scheduling Training |
Jul 5 (F) | Academic Services finishes implementing Spring 2025 course proposals in GET Course Catalog |
*** Course proposals that did not meet the Curriculog Tech Review Deadline (see Curriculum Resources for Faculty) may not be implemented for Spring 2025 *** | |
Jul 8 (M) | Academic Services runs GET Prior Term Copy |
Section Build
Date | Activity |
Jul 15 (M) | |
Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens (12:00 AM) | |
Department Schedulers build course sections and assign Prioritized and Restricted rooms | |
Department Schedulers submit SMFs for combined, variable unit, and restricted course sections to College Schedulers o College Schedulers submit approved SMFs to Academic Services |
TBD | Academic Services hosts Open Labs |
Aug 12 (M) | Academic Services notifies Office of Planning & Budget of unapproved off grid course sections |
Aug 23 (F) | Deadline for Department Schedulers to build course sections and pre-assign Prioritized and Restricted rooms Deadline for College Schedulers to submit approved SMFs for combined, variable unit, and restricted course sections to Academic Services (5:00 PM) Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes (11:59 PM) |
Date | Activity |
Aug 26 (M) | Office of Planning & Budget notifies Academic Services of unapproved off grid sections to be excluded from optimization Office of Planning & Budget notifies Academic Services of any room pre-assignments that require administrative removal Academic Services prepares course sections for optimization in 25Live; runs back-to-back binding |
Aug 27 (Tu) | Academic Services runs optimization in 25Live |
Aug 28 (W) | Office of Planning & Budget reviews optimization results; coordinates administrative changes with Academic Services |
Aug 30 (F) | Academic Services exports optimized room assignments from 25Live to GET Schedule of Classes |
Department Review
Date | Activity |
Sep 3 (Tu) | Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens (12:00 AM) Department Schedulers review all course sections (including room assignments) and enter changes (including assignment of remaining General Assignment, Prioritized, and Restricted rooms) o See Review Checklist and Reports to Know and Use portions of the GET Schedule Production Guide for guidance |
Sep 13 (F) | |
Deadline for Department Schedulers to review all course sections and enter changes | |
Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes for Departments (i.e., Chairs, Department Schedulers) (11:59 PM) | |
Edit access remains open for Colleges (i.e., Associate Deans, Resource Managers, College Schedulers) |
College Review
Date | Activity |
Sep 16 (M) | Associate Deans and College Schedulers review all course sections (including room assignments) and enter changes (including assignment of remaining General Assignment, Prioritized, and Restricted rooms) o See Review Checklist and Reports to Know and Use portions of the GET Schedule Production Guide for guidance |
Sep 27 (F) | Deadline for College Schedulers to review all course sections and enter changes Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes for Colleges (i.e., Associate Deans, Resource Managers, College Schedulers) |
Final Review
Date | Activity |
Sep 30 (M) | Academic Services reviews all course sections for data requirement compliance and quality Course sections with outstanding issues will be suppressed from the published Schedule of Classes and enrollment (i.e., set to Stop Further Enrollment) |
Final Corrections
Date | Activity |
Oct 7 (M) | Academic Services notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers of course sections with outstanding data requirement compliance and quality issues College Schedulers submit SMFs to Academic Services to resolve course sections |
Oct 11 (F) | Deadline for College Schedulers to submit SMFs to Academic Services to resolve course sections |
Changes beyond this point are considered late and are not guaranteed. See Late Changes for additional information.
Publication and Post-Publication
Date | Activity |
Oct 14 (M) | Academic Services publishes the Schedule of Classes. Notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers. |
(see Dates & Deadlines) | Advising and Enrollment Validation |
(see Dates & Deadlines) | Appointment Registration |
Oct 15 (Tu) | Academic Services reminds Associate Deans and College Schedulers of course sections with outstanding data requirement compliance and quality issues College Schedulers submit SMFs to Academic Services to resolve course sections |
Dec 9 (M) | Academic Services remind Associate Deans and College Schedulers of cancellation deadline |
Dec 20 (F) | Deadline for College Schedulers to submit SMFs to Academic Services to cancel course sections (5:00 PM) Academic Services notifies College Schedulers of term room utilization |
Jan 17 (F) | Deadline for College Schedulers to submit SMFs to Academic Services to resolve course sections |
(see Dates & Deadlines) | First day of instruction |
Jan 21 (Tu) | Academic Services solicits updates to final exam needs from Associate Deans and College Schedulers |
(see Dates & Deadlines) | Add/no record drop deadline |
Feb 5 (Tu) | Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens for Resource Managers (12:00 AM) Resource Managers clean-up instructor, workload, and APDB data in support of Office of Institutional Effectiveness reporting |
Feb 14 (F) | Deadline for College Schedulers to submit final exam needs updates to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
(see Dates & Deadlines) | Census |
TBD | Deadline for Resource Managers to clean-up instructor, workload, and APDB data Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes for Resource Managers (11:59 PM) |
Feb 18 (Tu) | Academic Services schedules final exams |
Mar 17 (M) | Academic Services publishes scheduled final exams in GET Self Service Office of the Registrar notifies students and instructors Academic Services notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers of scheduled final exam conflicts |
(see Dates & Deadlines) | Last day of instruction |
May 9 (F) | Deadline for College Schedulers to submit approved requests for exceptions to scheduled final exams (5:00 PM) |
(see Dates & Deadlines) | First day of final exams |
(see Dates & Deadlines) | Last day of final exams |
This timeline is for Schedule of Classes production purposes only. It is not a comprehensive account of dates and deadlines (see Scheduling Toolkit, Academic Calendars, Dates & Deadlines). Information contained in this timeline is subject to change based on University needs.
Data Gathering
Date | Activity |
Jan 10 | Academic Services finishes implementing 2024-2025 course proposals in GET Course Catalog |
Courses that did not meet Curriculog Tech Review | |
See Scheduling Toolkit | Suggested date for Chairs to begin collecting data |
TBD | Academic Services hosts Schedule Production Kick Off Session in coordination with the Office of Planning & Budget and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness |
See Scheduling Toolkit | Office of Planning & Budget consults with Associate Deans on data gathering progress |
See Scheduling Toolkit | Deadline for Chairs provide draft of department course schedule to Associate Deans Deadline for Associate Deans to meet with Chairs to review budget and plan for department course schedule |
See Scheduling Toolkit | Deadline for Chairs to provide draft of department course schedules to Department Schedulers |
Section Build
Date | Activity |
Jan 16 | Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens (12:00 AM) Department Schedulers build course schedules in GET Schedule of Classes Includes ALL section data, and pre-assignment of rooms as appropriate (see Room Assignment guidelines)
Department Schedulers submit SMFs (ServiceNow) for combined, variable unit, restricted, and linked sections Chairs and Associate Deans run Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to monitor progress, compare prior term and budget, and make adjustments |
TBD | Academic Services hosts Open Labs for Department and College Schedulers |
Jan 31 | Academic Services notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers of unapproved off grid sections Associate Deans and College Schedulers coordinate corrections with Chairs and Department Schedulers |
Feb 7 | Deadline for SMFs (ServiceNow) for combined, variable unit, restricted, and linked sections to be submitted to Academic Services (5:00 PM) Deadline for Department Schedulers to build course schedules in GET Schedule of Classes Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes (11:59 PM) |
Date | Activity |
Feb 10 | Office of Planning & Budget notifies Academic Services of unapproved off grid sections to be excluded from optimization and any pre-assigned rooms that require removal |
Feb 11 | Academic Services runs 25Live optimization Office of Planning & Budget reviews optimization results; coordinates adjustments with Academic Services
Feb 14 | Academic Services exports optimized room assignments from 25Live to GET Schedule of Classes |
Department Review
Date | Activity |
Feb 17 | Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens (12:00 AM) Chairs run Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to review course schedule completeness and data entry requirement compliance Department Schedulers enter changes and corrections |
Feb 28 | Deadline for Department Schedulers to enter changes and corrections Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes for Chairs and Department Schedulers (11:59 PM) Edit access remains open for Associate Deans, College Schedulers, and Resource Managers |
College Review
Date | Activity |
Mar 3 | Associate Deans run Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to review course schedule completeness and data entry requirement compliance College Schedulers and Resource Managers enter changes and corrections Academic Services solicits updates to course typically offered data from Associate Deans and College Schedulers |
Mar 14 | Deadline for College Schedulers and Resource Managers to enter changes and corrections Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes (11:59 PM) |
Final Review
Date | Activity |
Mar 17 | Academic Services runs Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to review course schedule data entry requirement compliance Sets sections with outstanding data quality issues to Stop Further Enrollment (i.e., suppressed from published Schedule of Classes and enrollment) |
Mar 21 | Deadline for Associate Deans and College Schedulers to submit course typically offered updates to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
Final Corrections
Date | Activity |
Mar 24 | Academic Services notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers of Stop Further Enrollment sections College Schedulers solicit corrections from Department Schedulers |
Mar 28 | Deadline for SMFs (ServiceNow) with corrections to be submitted to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
Edits made after schedule production are considered late and therefore are not guaranteed.
See Published Schedule of Classes guidelines.
Publication, Advising and Validation, Registration
Date | Activity |
Apr 1 | Academic Services publishes the Schedule of Classes Notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers Associate Deans and College Schedulers run Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to monitor resolution of Stop Further Enrollment sections |
Apr 1 or 7 | Advising and Enrollment Validation |
See Dates & Deadlines | Appointment Registration |
May 5 | Academic Services begins accepting event requests (25Live) |
Apr 18 | Academic Services reminds Associate Deans and College Schedulers of cancellation deadline |
Apr 25 | Deadline for SMFs (ServiceNow) to cancel sections to be submitted to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
May 12 | Suggested date for Department and College Schedulers to run room utilization and entry reports in 25Live |
Date | Activity |
See Dates & Deadlines | Term begins |
See Dates & Deadlines | First day of instruction (MAY Session) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Add/No Record Drop (MAY Session) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Census (MAY Session) |
See Dates & Deadlines | First day of instruction (Session/A 10W; Session B/5W1) |
Jun 2 | Academic Services solicits updates to final exam needs from Associate Deans and College Schedulers (Session A/10W) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Add/No Record Drop (Session B/5W1) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Census (Session B/5W1) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Add/No Record Drop (Session A/10W) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Last day of instruction (MAY Session) |
Jun 11 | Deadline for final exam needs updates to be submitted to Academic Services (5:00 PM) (Session A/10W) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Census (Session A/10W) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Last day of instruction (Session B/5W1) |
Jun 30 | Academic Services publishes final exams in GET Self Service Notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers of conflicts and exception requests
Instructors and students receive notification of how to view final exam schedules |
See Dates & Deadlines | First day of instruction (Session C/5W2) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Add/No Record Drop (Session C/5W2) |
Jul 10 | Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens for Resource Managers (12:00 AM) Remains open through Office of Institutional Effectiveness APDB reporting deadline Resource Managers enter remaining instructor assignments, workload, and APDB clean up |
See Dates & Deadlines | Census (Session C/5W2) |
Aug 1 | Deadline for College Schedulers to submit requests for final exam exceptions to Academic Services (Session A/10W) (5:00 PM) |
Aug 2 | Last day of instruction (Session A/10W) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Final Exams (Session A/10W) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Last day of instruction (Session C/5W2) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Term ends |
*This timeline is intended for Schedule of Classes production purposes only. It is not a comprehensive account of enrollment related dates and deadlines (see Academic Calendars and Dates & Deadlines) nor all operations managed by the Academic Services unit. Information in this timeline is planned as published but subject to change based on Student Life and Enrollment Management need.
The following resources are available to support the activities referenced in this timeline: Curriculum Resources for Faculty, Scheduling Toolkit, Academic Planning and Enrollment Planning Resources, Scheduling Resources, Dates & Deadlines
Data Gathering
Date | Activity |
See Scheduling Toolkit | Suggested date for Chairs to begin collecting data |
TBD | Academic Services hosts Schedule Production Kick Off Session in coordination with the Office of Planning & Budget and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness |
See Scheduling Toolkit | Office of Planning & Budget consults with Associate Deans on data gathering progress |
See Scheduling Toolkit | Deadline for Chairs provide draft of department course schedule to Associate Deans Deadline for Associate Deans to meet with Chairs to review budget and plan for department course schedule |
See Scheduling Toolkit | Deadline for Chairs to provide draft of department course schedules to Department Schedulers |
Jan 10 | Academic Services finishes implementing 2025-2026 course proposals in GET Course Catalog |
Courses that did not meet Curriculog Tech Review | |
Jan 13 | Academic Services runs GET Prior Term Copy Notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers Departments and Colleges may begin running Scheduling reports in GET Run Query in preparation for schedule production |
Section Build
Date | Activity |
Jan 16 | Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens (12:00 AM) Department Schedulers build course schedules in GET Schedule of Classes Includes ALL section data, and pre-assignment of rooms as appropriate (see Room Assignment guidelines) Department Schedulers submit SMFs (ServiceNow) for combined, variable unit, restricted, and linked sections Chairs and Associate Deans run Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to monitor progress, compare prior term and budget, and make adjustments |
TBD | Academic Services hosts Open Labs for Department and College Schedulers |
Jan 31 | Academic Services notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers of unapproved off grid sections Associate Deans and College Schedulers coordinate corrections with Chairs and Department Schedulers |
Feb 7 | Deadline for SMFs (ServiceNow) for combined, variable unit, restricted, and linked sections to be submitted to Academic Services (5:00 PM) Deadline for Department Schedulers to build course schedules in GET Schedule of Classes Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes (11:59 PM) |
Date | Activity |
Feb 10 | Office of Planning & Budget notifies Academic Services of unapproved off grid sections to be excluded from optimization and any pre-assigned rooms that require removal |
Feb 11 | Academic Services runs 25Live optimization Office of Planning & Budget reviews optimization results; coordinates adjustments with Academic Services |
Feb 14 | Academic Services exports optimized room assignments from 25Live to GET Schedule of Classes |
Department Review
Date | Activity |
Feb 17 | Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens (12:00 AM) Chairs run Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to review course schedule completeness and data entry requirement compliance Department Schedulers enter changes and corrections |
Feb 28 | Deadline for Department Schedulers to enter changes and corrections Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes for Chairs and Department Schedulers (11:59 PM) Edit access remains open for Associate Deans, College Schedulers, and Resource Managers |
College Review
Date | Activity |
Mar 3 | Associate Deans run Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to review course schedule completeness and data entry requirement compliance College Schedulers and Resource Managers enter changes and corrections Academic Services solicits updates to course typically offered data from Associate Deans and College Schedulers |
Mar 14 | Deadline for College Schedulers and Resource Managers to enter changes and corrections Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes closes (11:59 PM) |
Final Review
Date | Activity |
Mar 17 | Academic Services runs Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to review course schedule data entry requirement compliance Sets sections with outstanding data quality issues to Stop Further Enrollment (i.e., suppressed from published Schedule of Classes and enrollment) |
Mar 21 | Deadline for Associate Deans and College Schedulers to submit course typically offered updates to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
Final Corrections
Date | Activity |
Mar 24 | Academic Services notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers of Stop Further Enrollment sections College Schedulers solicit corrections from Department Schedulers Department Schedulers submit SMFs (ServiceNow) to correct sections |
Mar 28 | Deadline for SMFs (ServiceNow) with corrections to be submitted to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
Edits made after schedule production are considered late and therefore are not guaranteed.
See Published Schedule of Classes guidelines.
Publication, Advising and Validation, Registration
Date | Activity |
Apr 1 | Academic Services publishes the Schedule of Classes Notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers Associate Deans and College Schedulers run Scheduling reports in GET Run Query to monitor resolution of Stop Further Enrollment sections |
Apr 1 or 7 | Advising and Enrollment Validation |
See Dates & Deadlines | Appointment Registration |
May 5 | Academic Services begins accepting event requests (25Live) |
Jul 21 | Academic Services reminds Associate Deans and College Schedulers of cancellation deadline |
Jul 28 | Deadline for SMFs (ServiceNow) to cancel sections to be submitted to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
Aug 11 | Suggested date for Department and College Schedulers to run room utilization and entry reports in 25Live |
Date | Activity |
See Dates & Deadlines | Term begins |
See Dates & Deadlines | First day of instruction |
Aug 25 | Academic Services solicits updates to final exam needs from Associate Deans and College Schedulers |
See Dates & Deadlines | Add/No Record Drop |
Sep 4 | Edit access to GET Schedule of Classes opens for Resource Managers (12:00 AM) Remains open through Office of Institutional Effectiveness APDB reporting deadline Resource Managers enter remaining instructor assignments, workload, and APDB clean up |
Sep 15 | Deadline for final exam needs updates to be submitted to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Census |
Oct 13 | Academic Services publishes final exams in GET Self Service Notifies Associate Deans and College Schedulers of conflicts and exception requests Instructors and students receive notification of how to view final exam schedules |
Dec 5 | Deadline for College Schedulers to submit requests for final exam exceptions to Academic Services (5:00 PM) |
See Dates & Deadlines | Last day of instruction |
See Dates & Deadlines | Final Exams |
See Dates & Deadlines | Term ends |
*This timeline is intended for Schedule of Classes production purposes only. It is not a comprehensive account of enrollment related dates and deadlines (see Academic Calendars and Dates & Deadlines) nor all operations managed by the Academic Services unit. Information in this timeline is planned as published but subject to change based on Student Life and Enrollment Management need.
The following resources are available to support the activities referenced in this timeline: Curriculum Resources for Faculty, Scheduling Toolkit, Academic Planning and Enrollment Planning Resources, Scheduling Resources, Dates & Deadlines
Find a Room For a Course (25Live)
Request a Room for an Event (25Live)
Guides are designed for department and college schedulers’ use. Entry of MyCalStateLA login credentials may be required.
Forms are designed for department and college schedulers’ use. Entry of MyCalStateLA login credentials may be required.