Administrative Manual Policies and Procedures


Section Title Effective Date


001 Standard Procedure Documents (PDF 50KB) 04/19/2000
002 Selection of Members to the Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for the Selection of the President (PDF 35KB) 06/13/2013
003 University Responses to the Office of the Chancellor (PDF 33KB) 03/15/1983
004 University Name, Logo, Seal, and Landmark symbols (PDF 29KB) 07/13/1983
005 University Publications (PDF 37KB) 09/27/1983
006 University Smoking Policy (PDF 56KB) 10/03/2017
007 Campus Physical Planning Committee (CPPC) and Space Management Subcommittee (PDF 58KB) 04/26/2010
009 Risk Management and Safety Committee (PDF 33KB) 04/11/2002
010 Public Records (PDF 52KB) 07/03/1989
011 Student Records Administration (PDF 74KB) 09/23/2005
014 Legal Opinions (PDF 27KB) 03/20/2007
015 Requests to Name Facilities, Properties and Rooms (PDF 40KB) 07/20/2007
019 Use of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus (PDF 47KB) 06/03/2024
021 Notice of Litigation (PDF 30KB) 02/24/1984
022 Strategic Planning (PDF 36KB) 07/01/2002
023 Information Practices (PDF 67KB) 06/17/1985
025 Auxiliary Services (PDF 26KB) 08/14/2000
026 Internet Presence: Website and Portal, Digital Content, Organization and Responsibility (PDF 54KB) 11/16/2017
027 Media Relations (PDF 29KB) 03/31/1988


100 Payment for Services for International Referral of Students in Non-credit Self-support Programs Offered Through Extended Education (PDF 98KB) 03/15/2010
101 Establishment, Operation, and Dissolution of Presidentially-Chartered Centers, Institutes, or Bureaus (PDF 51KB) 09/27/2010
102 Handling Allegations of Research Misconduct (PDF 121KB) 04/02/2014
103 Off-campus Academic Activities 02/11/2016

FINANCE: 200-299

200 External Audits (PDF 32KB) 06/13/2013
201 Board of Control Claims (PDF 28KB) 04/15/1999
203 Capital Outlay Project Requests (PDF 53KB) 07/31/1986
204 Student Fee Policy (PDF 45KB) 06/13/2013
205 Student Success Fee (PDF 35KB) 12/19/2012
208 Moving and Relocation Expenses 03/08/2018
209 Hospitality, Payment or Reimbursement of Expenses (PDF 54KB)


212 University Resource Allocation Plan (PDF 38KB) 05/14/2018
215 Distribution of Indirect Costs from Externally Funded Contracts and Grants (PDF 36KB) 05/26/2000
216 University Projects Fund (PDF 27KB) 02/25/1985
217 Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Committee (PDF 50KB) 05/12/2004
218 Auxiliary Accounts (PDF 58KB) 10/16/2014
220 Cost Share Procedures (PDF 46KB) 07/24/2017


304 Election Days (PDF 28KB) 07/20/1999
305 Court Appearances (PDF 35KB) 01/14/1985
311 Criminal Records Check – Units 3, 11, 13, Volunteers and Special Consultants (PDF 40KB) 02/21/2012
312 Fingerprint Procedure (PDF 42KB) 04//26/2010
313 Recruitment for Vacant Positions (PDF 39KB) 07/03/1989
314 Selection and Appointment (PDF 56KB) 05/05/1989
315 Temporary Appointments (PDF 52KB) 04/24/1989
316 Conditions of Employment (PDF 48KB) 12/21/2001
320 Probation (PDF 49KB) 11/17/1982
321 Performance Appraisals for Non-academic and Administrative Employees (PDF 54KB) 09/20/1983
323 Separation (PDF 35KB) 08/16/1982
330 Appointment, Retention, and Promotion of Athletic Coaches (PDF 49KB) 09/08/1983
331 Compensation (PDF 56KB) 07/06/1983
336 Unemployment Compensation (PDF 34KB) 07/03/1989
338 Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (PDF 41KB) 09/30/1985
339 Staff Leaves of Absence (PDF 45KB) 02/24/1986
341 Payroll Services (PDF 36KB) 03/04/1986
356 Transfers (PDF 39KB) 07/03/1989
358 Reassignments (PDF 27KB) 07/03/1989
365 Orientation (PDF 26KB) 07/07/1983
368 Specialized Training (PDF 34KB) 07/26/1985
376 HEERA Designation Changes (PDF 63KB) 08/18/1982
377 Unfair Labor Practices (PDF 40KB) 01/12/1983
396 Reconsideration Procedures for Management Personnel Plan Employees (PDF 42KB) 05/19/2017


400 Medical and Psychological Emergencies (PDF 32KB) 07/21/1993
401 Elevator Malfunction (PDF 30KB) 08/16/1982
402 Parking and Traffic Regulations (PDF 79KB) 01/03/2011
403 Key Control (PDF 78KB) 09/19/2005
404 Public Meetings, Rallies, and Demonstration and Guidelines for Handling Related Emergencies (PDF 38KB) 02/16/1988
405 Accident Reports and Investigations (PDF 28KB) 02/11/2013
407 Disposition of Lost, Unclaimed or Abandoned Property (PDF 31KB) 04/16/2012
408 Emergency Action Plan (PDF 57KB) 12/16/2019
409 Fire Procedures (PDF 34KB) 10/26/1984
410 Medical Waste Management Plan 12/16/2019
411 Use of Controlled Substances in Research (PDF 41KB) 04/07/2011
414 Security Alarms (PDF 39KB) 12/21/2012
415 Video Surveillance (PDF 47KB) 11/20/23
417 Utility Failure or Shutdown (PDF 32KB) 07/07/1989
418 Risk Management Policy (PDF 62KB) 08/10/2003
419 Asbestos Management (PDF 41KB) 10/26/2007
422 Radiation Safety Committee (PDF 165KB) 12/18/2012
424 Risk Management/Environmental, Health & Safety Procedures Manual (PDF 34KB) 01/15/2003
425 Ergonomics Programs (PDF 39KB) 08/02/2013
426 Laboratory Safety Committee (PDF 202KB) 11/15/23
428 Campus Sustainability Committee 10/19/2017
429 Emergency Management Advisory Council Charter 10/25/2017
430 University Regulatory Training Requirements (PDF 520KB)


431 Use of University and Privately Owned Vehicles 12/16/2019


500 Automotive Management (PDF 52KB) 12/16/2019
501 University Pool Vehicles (PDF 54KB) 04/10/1989
502 Inner Campus Cart and Vehicle Policy (PDF 48KB) 04/21/2000
503 Facilities Services Work Requests 09/25/2018
505 Use of Facilities and Equipment 6/29/2016
507 Property Control (PDF 53KB) 04/15/2002
508 Use of Personal Property on Campus (PDF 43KB) 09/21/1999
509 Property Survey (PDF 34KB) 07/31/2000


601 Petty Cash Purchases (PDF 46KB) 07/21/1993
602 Procurement and Contracts Requisitions 09/22/2017


701 Reprographics and Typesetting Services (PDF 172KB) 07/01/1982
702 Mail Services (PDF 38KB) 02/21/2002
703 Telephone Services (PDF 43KB) 04/27/1983
704 Office Machine Repair Service (PDF 36KB) 05/05/1983
705 Shipping Services (PDF 32KB) 08/10/2003
706 Receiving Services (PDF 36KB) 08/10/2003
707 Records Retention, Management and Disposition Program (PDF 690KB) 05/13/2011
708 Destruction of Confidential Records (PDF 34KB) 07/12/1983
711 Paper Recycling (PDF 27KB) 06/04/1985


800 Scholarship Administration (PDF 41KB) 07/26/2017
801 Academic Department Placement Tests (PDF 29KB) 08/19/1982
802 University Recognition of Student Organizations 01/08/2018
803 English Placement Test, On Demand Administration (PDF 30KB) 08/19/1982
804 Student Employment (PDF 59KB) 09/30/1985
806 Short-Term Loan Program (PDF 29KB) 02/28/1985


902 Required Project Reporting (PDF 32KB) 04/18/2003
903 Fiscal Close-out Procedures for Sponsored Projects (PDF 29KB) 07/24/2017
904 Allowable Costs/Expenditures & Post Award Administration (PDF 35KB) 04/18/2003
905 Post-Award Activities (PDF 29KB) 04/18/2003
906 Cost Sharing & In-Kind Commitments(PDF 62KB) 07/24/2017
907 Subrecipient Monitoring (PDF 35KB) 07/24/2017
908 Effort Reporting Related to Grants and Contracts (PDF 33KB) 07/24/2017


P001 Drug Free Work Place (PDF 26KB) 03/21/2019
P002 Travel Policy 04/18/2024
P003 Campus Posting 04/06/2018
P004 Policy on Campus Violence (PDF 23KB) 06/27/2008
P005 Volunteers (PDF 93KB) 01/18/2008
P006 Policy For One-up (Next-Level) Authorizations For Business Expenses (PDF 30KB) 06/22/2012
P007 Time, Place and Manner of Free Expression (PDF 245KB) 04/06/2018
P008 Policy for Technology and Information Security Compliance (PDF 66KB) 06/13/2013
P009 Disability Support and Accommodations Interim
P010 Delegation of Authority


P011 Policy for Restriction of Bikes, Skateboards, Skates, Hoverboards, and Similar Devices on University Grounds 07/26/2017
P012 Cellular Mobile Device Policy 12/16/2019
P013 Budget Oversight Policy 08/05/2019