Spring 2023 Productions
Fighting Back!
A multimedia, fully-immersive musical parody, that takes the audience on a satirical dive into the current rise of fascism in America.
Venue: King Hall Studio 1
Performance Dates: March 9 - 11, 15 - 18 @ 7:30pm, and March 12 at 2:30pm
Stupid F**king Bird
An aspiring young writer rampages against the art created by his mother’s generation. A young actress wrestles with an aging Hollywood star for the affections of a renowned novelist. And everyone discovers just how disappointing love, art, and growing up can be. In this irreverent, contemporary, and very funny remix of Chekhov’s The Seagull, playwright Aaron Posner stages a timeless battle between young and old, past and present, in search of the true meaning of it all.
CONTENT WARNING: The play depicts brief moments of sexual content, references and depiction of suicide and mental illness, references of child loss, gun shot and the use of a stage gun.
Venue: State Playhouse
Performance Dates: April 20 - 22, 27 - 29 at 7:30pm and April 23 at 2:30pm
The John Lion New Plays Festival Reading Series
In Fall 2022, student playwrights submitted their plays for consideration by the John Lion New Plays Festival committee. The committee spent the winter reading selections and have chosen four finalists whose plays will be performed in a staged reading series this spring semester. Productions chosen for the reading series may be further considered for full production in a later season.
Venue: Music Hall
Performances Dates: May 4 - 5 at 7:00pm
MAY 4TH readings:
FAST FOOD: THE MUSICAL by Veronica Driscoll (Senior Theatre Major).
MAY 5TH readings:
THE NIGHT SHIFT by Kaitlyn Avila (1st Year MFA in TVFT)
LA REINA ES EL REY by Frank Ramirez (3rd Year MFA in TVFT)