

*Institution: California State University, Los Angeles.

*The goal is to research autonomous image analysis on the First Look Survey.


*Faculty: Jianyu Dong (Dept. of Electrical Engineering), Susan Terebey (dept. of Physics and Astronomy).
*Students: Sonny Orellana, Lei Zhao, Michael Wai, Anne Sullivan, Rich Nguyen.


*Develop an autonomous astronomical image viewer and analyzer for FITS astronomical image files.
*Develop an autonomous object detection algorithm to facilitate the analysis of the First Look Survey. Research is currently conducted to improve the accuracy of object detection when clouds are present in the image.
*Verification of the autonomous object detection is being conducted based on the joint efforts of students in Electrical Engineering and Physical Science.
*A user-friendly software tool with graphical user interface is being developed to integrate the functions of the FITS image viewer, analyzer, and autonomous object detection.


*S. Orellana,  L. Zhao, H. Boussalis, C. Liu, K. Rad, J. Dong , “Automated Object Detection for Astronomical Images”, Multimedia Systems and Applications VIII , ITComÂ’06, Boston, October, 2005
*S. Orellana, R. Nguyen, H. Boussalis, C. Liu, K. Rad, J. Dong “Astronomical Image Analyzer with Automated Object Detection”.  AIAA Space 2005 Conference, Long Beach, CA, August 2005.
*D. Demery, Z. Purnajo, H. Boussalis, C. Liu, K. Rad, and J. Dong, “Development of Enhanced FITS Image Viewer with Graphic User Interface”, 2005 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods, Las Vegas, June, 2005
*Zachariah Purnajo, Jianyu Dong, et al., “Design and Implementation of FITS Image Viewer with Adaptive Enhancement Technology,” WEASE Conference, Turkey, September, 2004.