National Humanities Day 2021

Join the College of Arts & Letters on March 9 to experience what humanities at Cal State LA can offer. We have a full day of engaging virtual events, activities, and informational sessions across disciplines planned for you! The day begins at 9 A.M with an informational session led by Dean Linda Essig and the College of Arts & Letters Advising Office. Our signature event will take place at 12:15 P.M. and is a virtual interactive program where we will watch and discuss clips from the documentary Toni Morrison: The Pieces I AM. The day's events will end at 6:15 P.M. with a student panel on War of the Worlds. View the schedule of events below for details and zoom links.

Schedule of Events

Learn more about the various disciplines offered at the College of Arts & Letters.

9 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. 
Kick the day off with us at this information session with Dean Linda Essig and Associate Dean Katherine Weiss. 
Zoom: 83521453531

10:30 A.M. – 12 P.M.
College of Arts & Letters Dean's Office & Advising Office
Drop-in and chat with us.
Zoom: 83521453531

Why Philosophy?
Zoom: 82091865250

Learn more about Television, Film, Media Studies and Journalism
Zoom: 88304167090

Learn more about Theatre and Dance 
Zoom: 84117334927

Learn more about Communication Studies
Zoom: 5926675239

1 P.M. - 2:15 P.M.
Paths Less Chosen: Journeys To and Through the English Major
A roundtable with English undergraduates.

Zoom: 2268368921

3 P.M. - 4 P.M.
Meet and Greet with Arts & Letters Advising Office
Zoom: 83521453531

Celebrate National Humanities Day with the College of Arts & Letters!

10 A.M. - 11 A.M.
Discussion with the Los Angeles Review of Books
Irene Yoon, Executive Director
Boris Dralyuk, Editor-in-Chief

Zoom: 87448421255

12:15 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.
Rememory: A Celebration of Toni Morrison
Join us for an interactive program as we watch and discuss clips of the documentary Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am. We also invite participants to bring and share their favorite Morrison passages at the event.

The film in its entirety is available for the Cal State LA campus community at Cal State LA Movies on Demand (BROWSE HERE). For the site to upload, your Cal State LA VPN must be turned on.

The film may also be viewed on Amazon and Hulu.

Event sponsored by the American Communities Program, the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexualities, and Women's, Gender, and Sexualities Studies.

Zoom: 89711107485
Zoom ID: 897 1110 7485
Password: 503448

1:40 P.M. - 2:40 P.M.
PAGE Fellows: Dillon Sung and Mike Willard
Dillon Sung, co-Director of Imagining America’s PAGE (Publicly Active Graduate Education) Fellows program and Professor Michael Willard, Chair of Liberal Studies.

Join us to learn about the PAGE Fellows program. PAGE is Imagining America’s network for publicly engaged graduate students in humanities, arts, and design. PAGE enhances the praxis and pedagogy of public scholarship; fosters a national, interdisciplinary community of peers and veteran scholars; and creates opportunities for collaborative knowledge production.

Zoom: 84896386545

3 P.M. - 4 P.M.
Pandemic Diaries with Azalea Camacho
Archivist and Special Collections Librarian

Zoom: 89205806949

4:30 P.M. - 6 P.M.
Retheorizing Sexuality: A Roundtable Discussion
Presented by the Department of Philosophy and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Although people tend to think of sexuality in terms of the categories ‘straight’, ‘gay’, and ‘bi’, sexuality is considerably more complicated than this taxonomy suggests. In this roundtable discussion, Talia Bettcher (Cal State LA), Iliana Cuellar (PhD Student at UC Riverside, Cal State LA Alum), Jennifer DeClue (Smith College), and Tamsin Kimoto (Goucher College) challenge traditional frameworks by proceeding from the intersections of race, class, and trans and nonbinary genders. Themes will include objectification, power, sexual mores, and ethics.

Zoom: 86595821441

Experience Student Talent!

9:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.
Modern Languages and Literatures Student Showcase

Zoom: 89713872798
Passcode: 265026

11:30 A.M. - 1 P.M.
Learn more about the Associated Student Inc.

Join ASI reps Brajohn Hicks and Lauren Diana to discover how to get involved in the Associated Student Inc. and find out more about Student Life.

Zoom: 89483351313 or
Meeting ID: 894 8335 1313

1:00 P.M. - 1:45 P.M.
Prison Education and Social Justice Activism

Creative collaborative works by on-campus and imprisoned students from the College of Arts & Letters on the topic of prison education and social justice activism. Join this session to watch a fast-paced 30-minute video collage of powerful and moving performance adaptations and animation documentaries produced by students in the Departments of Communication Studies and Art, completed during the pandemic.

Zoom: 98690275467

1:40 P.M. - 2:40 P.M.
COMA: A Showcase of Student Artwork

Zoom: 88113798500

2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
InART: Institute for Interactive Narrative, Research, and Technology

Join the students of InART for an interactive panel.

Zoom: 87132191805

2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Forensics Team Student Showcase hosted by Holland Smith

This showcase includes:
Informative by Richard Hu
Prose by Kait Gonzalez
Debate by Kamila Campos and Alexis Rios-Jimenez

Zoom: 99393681898

3 P.M. - 4 P.M.
Music Student and Faculty Showcase with Professor Patti Kilroy

Join the Department of Music for a showing of recordings and videos made over the remote Fall semester by our University Choirs, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensembles, Orchestra, Composition students, our Commercial Music students and faculty, and more.

Zoom: 82156392207
Meeting ID: 821 5639 2207

4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Modern Languages and Literatures Student Showcase | Second Session

Zoom: 89713872798

5:15 P.M. - 6:15 P.M.
Student Panel: War of the Worlds

The Department of Theatre and Dance created a virtual, remote production of HG Wells's War of the Worlds. Using OBS software, Zoom and a Production Team of students and professionals this production went live for 7 performances including a festival in Brazil. In this panel, meet the collaborators - from the student playwright, designers, OBS technician, director, and stage managers to the actors, and discuss the process, what was learned and where we can go now.

Panelists: Professor Stephen Rothman (Director), Professor Meredith Greenburg (Prod. Mgr), and students Ben Hernandez (Playwright), Laura Hernandez (Prod. Designer), Karla Galaviz (OBS Engineer), Midori King (Stage Manager), and MFA actors Frank Ramirez, Natalie Sanchez, and Irma Gill.

Zoom: 88372968756

Get a glimpse into a classroom!

9:25 A.M. - 10:40 A.M.
Music in World Culture, Lecture on the Music of Indonesia (MUS 1500), Prof. Kennedy
Zoom: 86769608943

9:25 A.M. - 10:40 A.M.
Issues in English Language Teaching (ENGL 4180), Prof. Mijanur Rahman
Zoom: 83563257741

9:25 A.M. - 10:40 A.M
Readings in Ancient World and Medieval British Literatures (ENGL 3300), Prof. Calabrese
Zoom: 83195525405

10:50 A.M. - 12:05 P.M.
Adult Life and Aging (PHIL 3730)

10:50 A.M. - 12:05 P.M.
Elementary Mandarin (CHIN 1002), Prof. Hsin-Fu Chiu
Zoom: 86532028884

10:50 A.M.-12 P.M.
Gender and Sexuality in U.S. Law (WGSS 3150)
Topic: Immigrant women and workplace sexual violence -- “Rape on the Night Shift” screening & discussion
Zoom: 82970666809

12:15 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.
Aesthetics (PHIL 4750), Prof. Jay Conway
Zoom: 310716170

12:15 P.M. -1:30 P.M.
Elementary Mandarin (CHIN 1001), Prof. Hsin-Fu Chiu
Zoom: 85312982239

1:40 P.M. - 2:55 P.M.
Children’s Literature (ENGL 48800), Prof. Minslow
Zoom: 85359895863