Solar Eagle III: Welcome


Cal State L.A.'s newest solar-powered electric vehicle,the winner of Sunrayce 97 and defending national championSolar Eagle III,is the third to be designed by a team of students under the guidance offaculty and staff.

Since its inception in 1990, the SolarEagle Project has brought great recognition to Cal State L.A., helpingcultivate the university's reputation for academic excellence in engineeringand technology. This web site contains the stories of not only the SolarEagle III, but also the first two solar race cars - the SolarEagle and the SolarEagle II. We welcome you to browse these pages and become familiar withone of the most successful student engineering projects in the nation. Anddon't forget to give us YourComments before you go.

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to visit this site regularly.It will be updated as Cal State L.A.'s Solar Eagle III continues to make news!

Solar Eagle III: The Next Generation | What's New | Scenes from the Solar EagleIII Rollout |
Meet Team Solar Eagle III | RomanVasquez III: Team Leader Profile | Sponsors: Friendsor the Solar Eagle III |Support the Team: Buy a Solar Cell! | TheSolar Eagle Project: A Narrative History |
Solar Links: Everything Under the Sun | The Solar Eagle III Picture Gallery | YourComments