Course Syllabi

Examples of course syllabi are available below. Keep in mind that these syllabi may not always represent the way the course is currently being taught and that the content of a course may change depending on the instructor. Syllabi were not available for all courses.

Syllabi for Biology Courses

BIOL 1010 - General Biology

BIOL 1030 - Life Science

BIOL 1100 - Principles of Biology I (lecture)

BIOL 1100 - Principles of Biology I (lab)

BIOL 1200 - Principles of Biology II

BIOL 2030 - Human Anatomy 

BIOL 2040 - Human Physiology 

BIOL 2800 - Physiology for Biomedical Engineering

BIOL 3000 - Biostatistics (F24)

BIOL 3084 - Biology of Human Aging

BIOL 3100 - General Microbiology

BIOL 3200 - Professional Writing in the Life Sciences

BIOL 3400 - Principles of Genetics

BIOL 3401 - Cell and Molecular Laboratory

BIOL 3600 - Functional Biology

BIOL 3800 - Ecology and Evolution

BIOL 4080 -  Advanced Biostatistics

BIOL 4120 - Human Genetics

BIOL 4130 - Molecular Diagnostics

BIOL 4150 - Population Genetics

BIOL 4160 - Molecular Genetics

BIOL 4170 - Gene Manipulation

BIOL 4180 - Advanced Evolutionary Biology

BIOL 4200 - Global Change

BIOL 4240 - General Embryology

BIOL 4290 - Animal Histology

BIOL 4300 - Plant Physiology I

BIOL 4320 - Fundamentals of Toxicology

BIOL 4330 - Integrative Human Physiology I

BIOL 4340 - Integrative Human Physiology II

BIOL 4350 - Neurobiology: Neuroanatomy and Development

BIOL 4360 - Neurobiology: Cellular and Molecular Physiology of the Nervous System

BIOL 4370 - Cell Signaling

BIOL 4390 - Endocrinology

BIOL 4400 - Plant Systematics

BIOL 4450 - Bioscience Companies: From Concept to Market

BIOL 4460 - Biotechnology Applications of Cell and Molecular Biology

BIOL 4490 - Neurobiology: Development

BIOL 4500 - Botanical Medicine

BIOL 4510 - Ornithology

BIOL 4540 - Special Lecture Topics in Biology

BIOL 4541 - Special Activity Topics in Biology

BIOL 4550 - Mammalogy

BIOL 4570 - Marine Invertebrate Zoology

BIOL 4620 - Plant Ecology

BIOL 4700 - Conservation Biology

BIOL 4720 - Marine Ecology

BIOL 4800 - Modeling Biological Systems

BIOL 4810 - Animal Cell Culture Theory and Technique

BIOL 4840 - Drug Discovery and Development


Syllabi for Microbiology Courses

MICR 1010 - Introduction to Microbiology (3)
MICR 2010 - Microbiology for Health Related Sciences (3)
MICR 2020 - Microbiology Laboratory for Health Related Sciences (1)
MICR 3100 - General Microbiology (4)
MICR 3300 - Microbial Genetics (3)
MICR 3500 - Bacterial Physiology (3)
MICR 3700 - Medical Microbiology (4)
MICR 3900 - Applied and Environmental Microbiology (3)
MICR 4100 - General Virology (3)
MICR 4200 - Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases (3)
MICR 4220 - Bioterrorism and Biosecurity (3)
MICR 4300 - Hematology (3)
MICR 4400 - Fungal Pathogenesis (3)
MICR 4600 - Theoretical and Applied Immunology (4)

Our last term on the quarter-based calendar was Summer 2016. 

Quarters Syllabi Archive

BIOL 100A - Introductory Biology I

BIOL 100B - Introductory Biology II

BIOL 100C - Introductory Biology III

BIOL 155 - Animal Biology

BIOL 156 - Plant Biology: Plants and People

BIOL 158 - Brain and Behavior

BIOL 165 - Humans and the Biological Environment 

BIOL 180 - Life Science for Elem. Teachers

BIOL 181- Life Science seminar for Elem Teachers

BIOL 200A - Human Anatomy & Physiology I 

BIOL 200B - Human Anatopmy & Physiology II 

BIOL 300 - Biometrics

BIOL 320 - Writting for Biologists 

BIOL 340 - General Genetics 

BIOL 350 - Evolution

BIOL 360 - General Ecology

BIOL 380 - Cell Biology 

BIOL 384N - Biology of Human Aging 

BIOL 408 - Advanced Biometry

BIOL 412 - Human Genetics

BIOL 413 - Molecular Diagnostics

BIOL 414 - Cytogenetics 

BIOL 415 - Popular Genetics 

BIOL 416 - Molecular Genetics 

BIOL 417 - Principles of Gene Manipulation 

BIOL 418 - Evolution 

BIOL 420 - Global Change

BIOL 422 - Vertebrate Structure and Function 

BIOL 424 - General Embryology

BIOL 429 - Histology

BIOL 432 - Fundamentals of Toxicology

BIOL 433 - Animal Physiology I 

BIOL 434 - Animal Physilogy II

BIOL 435 - Neurobiology

BIOL 436 - Neurobiology: Neurophysiology

BIOL 439 - Endocrinology

BIOL 440 - Angiosperm Taxonomy

BIOL 444 - Drug Discovery and Development

BIOL 448: Molecular Biology of the Brain

BIOL 449: Neurobiology of Development

BIOL 451: Ornithology

BIOL 455: Mammalogy (lec)

BIOL 457: Marine Invertebrate Zoology 

BIOL 462: Plant Ecology

BIOL 470: Conservation Biology

BIOL 473: Molecular Ecology

BIOL 481: Animal Cell Culture Theory and Technique

MICR 151: Biology of Microorganisms 

MICR 200A: General Microbiology

MICR 201: Microbiology for Health Related Sciences (lec)

MICR 202: Microbiology for Health Related Sciences (lab)

MICR 300: General Microbiology

MICR 301: General Medical Microbiology 

MICR 302: Pathogenic Bacteriology

MICR 304: Immunology & Serology

MICR 331: Structure and Function of Bacteria

MICR 340: Microbial Genetics 

MICR 401: Virology

MICR 410: Hematology

MICR 430: Bacterial Physilogy

MICR 450: Innate Immunity

Below are links to the quarter programs in the University Catalog.

Quarter Programs Prior to Fall 2013:

Quarter Programs from Fall 2013 to Summer 2016:

Quarter System Semester System
Biology Course Equivalencies
BIOL 100ABC (5, 5, 5) BIOL 1100 (5) + BIOL 1200 (5)
BIOL 300 (4) BIOL 3000 (3)
BIOL 320 (4) BIOL 3200 (3)
BIOL 340 (4) + BIOL 380 (4) BIOL 3400 (3) + BIOL 3401 (2)
BIOL 350 (4) + BIOL 360 (4) BIOL 3800 (3)
Microbiology Course Equivalencies
MICR 300AB (4, 4) MICR 3100 (4)
MICR 340 (4) MICR 3300 (3)
MICR 430 (3) + MICR 433 (2) MICR 3500 (3)
MICR 350 (5) MICR 3700 (4)
MICR 360 (5) MICR 4600 (4) (elective)
MICR 370 (4) MICR 3900 (3)
Mathematics Course Equivalencies
MATH 104A (4) + MATH 105 (4) MATH 1050 (6)
MATH 104A (4) + MATH 105 (4) MATH 1081 (3) + MATH 1085 (3)
MATH 204 (4) MATH 2040 (3) + MATH 2041 (1)
MATH 205 (4) (BIOL BS only) MATH 2050 (3) + MATH 2051 (1)
Chemistry & Biochemistry Course Equivalencies
CHEM 101, 102, 103 (5, 5, 5) CHEM 1100 (5) + CHEM 1110 (5)
CHEM 291AB (3, 3) + CHEM 301 (3) CHEM 2200 (4) + CHEM 3200 (4)
CHEM 292A (2) CHEM 2201 (1)
CHEM 431AB (3, 3) CHEM 4300 (3) (MICR BS only)
Physics Course Equivalencies
PHYS 101, 102, 103 (4, 4, 4) PHYS 1100 (4) + PHYS 1200 (4)