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Academic Calendar


This site summarizes employee benefits offered by California State University, Los Angeles. The University offers a comprehensive and competitive benefits package to its employees.

*This site is intended to be a summary guide only. Please read it in conjunction with the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement and/or policy language.

California Faculty Association (CFA)

CFA is the exclusive collective bargaining representative for the California State University faculty. In that role CFA negotiates a contract with the CSU administration for the faculty, promotes academic freedom, upholds faculty rights, delivers financial protection for the faculty, and promotes faculty participation in the governance of the CSU and of CFA.

Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL)

The Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL) advances the scholarship of teaching and learning by offering a variety of services supporting faculty development to develop full teaching potential. CETL offers support to create engaging learning environments to enhance student learning outcomes. Faculty development includes one-on-one consultations, workshops, brown bag discussions, webinars, and peer mentoring.

College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE)

The College of Professional and Global Education, which provides the community access to lifelong learning opportunities through professional development classes and programs, Open University, Summer Session, and corporate education and training. The College also has administrative oversight of all international programs, as well as visa and permanent residency sponsorship for the University. Faculty members who are not U.S. citizens should consult with this office on matters pertaining to their right to work in the U.S.

The California State University (CSU) system

Cal State L.A. is one of 23 campuses in the California State University system, which is overseen by the Office of the Chancellor (located in Long Beach, CA). The Chancellor’s Office web sites have a multitude of information, including system-wide statistics on faculty and students, information on each campus and its President, links to various system-wide projects and reports, and copious administrative details.  Even a casual browse will yield useful information you probably didn’t know!

Emeriti Association

The Emeriti Association dedicates itself to enhancing the status and condition of the University’s emeriti faculty, and to strengthening their ties to the University.  This site contains information on Association activities, how to become a member, and services and privileges as a member.

Human Resources Management

This site contains the latest information from the HRM service units – Benefits, Compensation and Classification, Workforce Planning, Equity and Diversity, Faculty Affairs, Training and Development, Employee/Labor Relations, Workers' Compensation and Payroll Services.

Information Technology Services (ITS)

The Division of Information Technology Services supports the University’s ever-increasing use of technology, from email and telephone services to the latest software applications. Visit this page to find ITS forms, training, guidelines, and updates.

Office of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (ORSCA)

The Office of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (ORSCA) assists faculty and staff in applying for extramural funding primarily, though not exclusively, through government agencies. The office provides services at all stages of the proposal submission and pre-award processes; provides support and guidance for compliance issues related to the use of human subjects and animal subjects in research, conflicts of interest, and research misconduct; and assists PI's with intellectual property and technology transfer processes.

Payroll Calendar

Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety has several components: University Police, Investigations/Crime Prevention, Parking Services, Key Control, Transportation Services, Fire-Life Services, Lock Shop, Emergency Preparedness and Security of Records.

United Auto Workers (UAW ) Local 4123

The UAW Local 4123 is the Union representing California State University Academic Student Employees, including Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants.