Welcome Message
Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year!
I’m thrilled to welcome students, staff, faculty, families and community members back to the College of Education. This is such an exciting time for me: my first year at Cal State LA! I’m inspired by the mission of the college, the commitment and care of the staff, and the vision and passion of the faculty.
In just two weeks, I’ve learned so much about the history of the College and the amazing work that is done here every semester. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to continue my learning and to bring my own experience and insights to offer the support needed for us all to collaboratively imagine the transformative space for learning, joy, justice and collective thriving that our communities deserve. This is a challenge and it’s also a privilege and opportunity to engage in these efforts together.
Please stop by the Dean’s office any time you have accomplishments to share, questions to ask, or concerns that you need support with. We’re here to uplift each other!
Thank you for being part of the College of Education,
Marcos Pizarro (he/him)
Dean – College of Education
California State University, Los Angeles
[email protected]
COE Contacts
Dr. Mitch Fryling
Associate Dean
[email protected]

Director of Student Services
Dr. Sharon Ulanoff
Chair, Curriculum and Instruction
[email protected]
Dr. Elina Saeki
Chair, Special Education and Counseling
[email protected]