Prepare for Registration


Deadlines For Registration

Talk to an Advisor for deadline

How to prepare for registration

To prepare for registration, please do the following: 

  • Check your registration appointment on GET (time and date you register) in advance. Registration appointments are based on the number of units you have completed. Your registration appointment or permit to register is not an advisement appointment—it is the time you will log on to GET to register for your classes online.
  • Fee payments for registration. Tuition and fees payment deadlines vary by semester. To find the tuition and fee deadlines, visit the Dates and Deadlines webpage. Payments can be paid in person at the Cashiers’ Office, or online via
  • Check registration holds on your GET account. If you do have holds, please contact the appropriate office and have them removed prior to your registration appointment.
  • Review your CAAR report to make sure it looks correct. If anything appears to be missing, send official scores or transcripts to the Cal State LA Admissions Office.
  • Prepare to register in a full course load. To review your major requirements, review the e-catalog at Plan to take 15 units per semester to stay on track for graduation.


Registration Workshops

Currently enrolled undergraduate CBE students can get assistance with class planning for the following semester by attending a Registration Workshop. If you need assistance with selecting courses, an advisor can help you during these workshop sessions. Review the workshop schedule below and attend a date that coincides with your enrollment appointment. All workshops are held via Zoom.

  • Tuesday, November 12th, 10am-11am
  • Wednesday, November 13th, 11am-12pm
  • Thursday, November 14th, 4pm-5pm
  • Friday, November 15th, 1pm-2pm
  • Monday, November 18th, 10am-11am
  • Tuesday, November 19th, 1pm-2pm
  • Wednesday, November 20th, 10am-11am
  • Thursday, November 21st, 4pm-5pm
  • Friday, November 22nd, 10am-11am