Conference on Women and Gender (In)Equalities


About the Conference

It is undeniable that significant progress has been made in the past decades on the issue of gender equality. However, gender bias continues to persist in the 21st century. The progress has been uneven across regions, faced numerous challenges, occasionally taken a step back, uncovered new questions, and revealed just how embedded the problem of gender inequality is in the fabric of society. That’s why it is important to bring together researchers and scholars from various disciplines at Cal State LA working in the field of gender equality to examine some of the most pressing challenges both from a micro and macro perspectives. 
This inter-disciplinary conference aims to:

  • Foster data and evidence-based dialogue around the topic of gender inequalities to shed light on:
    - State of gender bias and women’s role in society in the 21st century.
    - Economic and social cost of gender discrimination.
    - What has (and hasn’t) worked to mitigate gender bias?
    - Violence and harassment against women.
    - Continued challenges.
    ​​- Potential solutions.
  • Create space for participants to share their experiences, engage in meaningful discussions and help move the conversation forward.


The conference will include:

  • 4 - 5 presentations. Each presenter will be given 15-20 minutes, followed by time for Q&A. 
  • A panel discussion. 
  • Breaks for participants to share their experiences, engage in meaningful discussions and help move the conversation forward. Lunch and refreshments will be served, sponsored by the College of Business and Economics and several donors.

Submission Guidelines

  • Original & unpublished manuscripts that engage with diverse topics are welcome, including (but not limited to)
    • State of gender bias and women’s role in society in the 21st century.
    • Economic and social cost of gender discrimination.
    • What has (and hasn’t) worked to mitigate gender bias?
    • Continued challenges.
    • Potential solutions.
  • Where to submit: Upload here
  • Important Dates:
    • Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2024; 5:00 p.m. (PST)
    • Notification of decision: By March 4th, 2024

Please see the call for proposals here.


Questions can be directed to the Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities Coordinator of the College of Business and Economics, Dr. Devika Hazra at [email protected].