General Education Requirements Update

On March 27, 2024, the CSU Board of Trustees approved changes to Title 5 CSU General Education requirements. This page is being updated to reflect the latest information.

Cal State LA

The Educational Policy Committee and the General Education Subcommittee have been working together to develop proposed changes that will align with the anticipated new requirements. The committees attempted to propose changes that would minimize the impact on departments, faculty, and students.

It is essential that the ad hoc committee gathers input from the campus community, particularly from departments and individuals most impacted by these potential changes.


Get Involved

Share your feedback by attending a meeting or submitting a GE Proposed Changes Comment Form.

Upcoming Discussion Sessions

Thursday, April 18 from 4 to 5 p.m.
Meeting ID: 884 5922 7420

Special Session focused on GE requirements in Physical and Biological Science. (This is a special session for faculty in the following departments that offer these courses: Physics, Anthropology,  Astronomy, Biology, Civil Engineering, Geo-Sciences, Natural Science, Physics).

Committee's Recommendations

This document includes Cal State LA's recommended changes to GE and graduation requirements in response to replacement of CSU GE Breadth with Cal-GETC.

Additional Information

Dear Campus Community,

In their meeting on March 27, 2024, the CSU Board of Trustees voted to adopt a singular GE pattern aligned with Cal-GETC General Education requirements for transfer students as the new GE pattern for the CSU. As a result, we now have the updated CSU General Education Requirements with all proposed changes available for review.

The Educational Policy Committee (EPC) and the General Education Subcommittee have been working together to develop proposed changes that aim to align with these new requirements. The committees attempted to propose changes that would minimize the impact on departments, faculty, and students. 

Unfortunately, we have a compressed timeline, as we aim to have policy changes approved by the Academic Senate and sent to the President by the end of the Spring semester. This will, then, provide departments policy-based guidance and enable them to focus their efforts on any specific curriculum changes they may need to make.

It is essential, however, that we gather input from the campus community, particularly from departments and individuals most impacted by these potential changes. To facilitate this process, we have created this website to provide you access to the proposed changes for your review along with details of weekly Zoom sessions we have scheduled to discuss and obtain your feedback. 

Wednesday, April 10, 3-4pm and Wednesday April 15, 3-5pm

Meeting ID: 841 5057 4364

We encourage you to attend at least one of these scheduled meetings or use the form to share your feedback or questions.

Jane Gautier, Chair

Educational Policy Committee

Date Activity
May, 2024 Senate reviews changes to GE proposed by EPC/GES with the goal of coming to an agreement and approving updated policy changes.
August 1, 2024 All GE course proposals for Physical & Biological Sciences must be completed and ready for department review and approval.
November 8, 2024 All program proposals completed by UGS and reviewed by Departments.
December 1, 2024 All Proposed changes to courses and programs completed and approved by EPC for GET implementation
February 9, 2025 Deadline for department schedulers to build department schedules in GET Schedule of Classes, including new GE courses.
June 1, 2025 Publish new GE in Fall 2025 Catalog
Spring 2025 Road Maps for All Majors should be updated to reflect new GE requirements



Name Department Email
Sarah Baker (EPC Liaison) Library [email protected]
Mark Balaguer Philosophy [email protected]
John Cooper Accounting [email protected]
Margaret Garcia Office of Undergraduate Studies [email protected]
Anureet Shah Kaur Nutrition & Food Science [email protected]
Mindy Larios ASI Representative [email protected]
Karine Le Bris Physics & Astronomy [email protected]
Bahiyyih Hardacre Meyrathh Applied and Advanced Studies [email protected]
Maryam Nazari Civil Engineering [email protected]
Anita Revilla Chicana(o) & Latina(o) Studies [email protected]



Name Department Email
Sarah Baker Library [email protected]
Beth Felice Baker-Cristales Anthropology [email protected]
Kristen Fisher Biological Sciences [email protected]
Kimberly Franklin Library [email protected]
Jane Gauthier Criminal Justice and Criminalistics [email protected]
Michelle Hawley Office of Undergraduate Studies [email protected]
Kathryn Amanda Hillstrom Nutrition and Food Science [email protected]
Judy Huang Special Education and Counseling [email protected]
Juily Phun Asian & Asian American Studies [email protected]
Adam Snow Music [email protected]
Chengyu Sun Computer Science [email protected]
Shikha Upadhyaya Marketing [email protected]

AD-HOC GE Planning Committee

Name Department Email
Sarah Baker Library [email protected]
Bahiyyih Hardacre Meyrathh Applied and Advanced Studies [email protected]
Beth Felice Baker-Cristales Anthropology [email protected]
Kristen Fisher Biological Sciences [email protected]


On March 27, 2024 the CSU Board of Trustees approved changes to Title 5 CSU General Education requirements.  requirements. As a result, the Chancellor’s Office has begun the process of updating CSU General Education Policy and seeks campus review of the attached draft.  Cal State LA is collecting comments and recommendations and will be sending them to the Chancellor’s Office on the April 22. To allow maximum time for individual campus policy and implementation processes, this abbreviated timeline will allow the policy to be finalized and published so that campuses may begin their important work. Thank you for your prompt attention to this time-sensitive request.

To ensure that your feedback is included in Cal State LA’s response, please submit your comments by Friday, April 19. 

Review the CSU Working Draft

Submit Comments to the CSU Working Draft

The Chancellor’s Office will host an informational webinar regarding the implementation of the Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021 and changes to CSU General Education.

The webinar will be hosted on Monday, April 15, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. All campus colleagues with an interest in this topic are encouraged to attend. The webinar will also be recorded and posted for future viewing.
This webinar will provide an overview of the changes, the process and timeline for change, and support provided to campuses by the Chancellor’s Office to assist with implementation. It also will include a review of the draft CSU General Education Policy currently published for feedback.

See memo from the Chancellor's Office.

Register today using the CSU General Education Webinar registration form.


Preliminary Planning for Curricular Changes resulting from General Education Requirements Policy updates effective Fall 2025

  • Every undergraduate degree program will be affected by the changes to GE only in that the total 120 units will change from 48 overall GE units to 43 GE units.  This includes lower division GE changing from 39 units to 34 units.  
    • For every degree program in the University Catalog that makes any reference or mention of GE, updates may be needed.  Non-specific mention of GE may not result in changes.  Mention of specific unit requirements will need to be updated.
  • Every degree program that includes a Physical or Biological Sciences course in its major requirements will need to be updated to reflect the unit updates.
    • Departments need to clarify whether they will require lecture only (3 units) or lecture and lab (typically 4 units).  
    • A spreadsheet is available on the GE Updates page that reflects all the programs that list a given Block B course.  Once, we know more about the proposed changes to these courses to address the required 7 units with at least one unit of lab, then more specific impact analyses will be provided to affected departments.
  • Undergraduate Studies will make the needed updates to all affected programs to be approved by departments/colleges before implemented.  Departments that are already submitting program modification proposals for undergraduate majors will need to check for these updates and UGS will help make the changes as we cannot have two proposals going through for the same program simultaneously.

  • That is the expectation of the Chancellor’s Office to support student advising across systems.
  • The Office of Undergraduate Studies will update the Fall 2025 Catalog to reflect the updated labeling (i.e. using Areas 1, 2,…6 instead of Blocks A, B,…F).  
  • UGS will also update every GE course to reflect the new GE labels.

  • Yes, all roadmaps will need to be updated to address the GE changes.  
  • Support will be provided so that all road maps can be updated by end of Spring 2025.