Mitchell Eisen ► Forenisic Psychology Eyewitness Memory Lab
Lab: KH D3071-E
Email: [email protected]
Research interests span over two broad areas. Much of his current work examines issues related to eyewitness memory and suggestibility. In addition, Dr. Eisen does research on children's memory and suggestibility with a focus on examining the impact of stress and trauma on memory reports, and disclosures of abuse.
Eric Kohatsu ► Center for Cross-Cultural Research
Lab: KH A3042
Email: [email protected]
Research focuses on racial identity issues, racism, stereotypes and prejudice, and the psychosocial impact of racism on people of color.
Dana Saifan ► FREEDOM Lab
Lab: KH D3077
Email: [email protected]
FREEDOM Lab is an acronym for our lab’s research focus: Facilitating Research for Equity, Empowerment, and Decolonization of Mental Health. Our lab conducts community-partnered research to improve mental health for marginalized communities by examining experiences of intersectional identities, culture, belonging, and discrimination, as well as factors that may impact people’s experiences with mental health services.
Yvette Z. Szabo ► PROSPER Lab
Lab: KH D3079
Email: [email protected]
PROSPER is an acronym for our lab's research focus: Psychoneuroimmunology Research on Stress, PTSD, Emotions, and Recovery. Broadly, our research examines factors that connect stress and trauma to mental and physical health problems, with a focus on inflammation, emotion and cognition.