Alma Olaguez ► Legal Attitudes Lab
Lab: KH D3073A
Email: [email protected]
The Legal Attitudes (LA) Lab examines factors that may impact children and adults in the legal system. Specifically, our research examines factors that affect children's performance during legal interviews and how those factors affect jurors' evaluations of children in court.
Pamela Regan ► Social Relations Lab
Lab: KH D3071
Email: [email protected]
Research focuses on interpersonal attraction, gender, sexuality.
Heidi Riggio
Lab: KH D3083
Email: [email protected]
Research interests include family relationships in young adulthood (including sibling relationships), parental marital conflict and divorce, attitudes in personal relationships, political attitudes and persuasion.
Douglas Stenstrom ► Decision-Making Lab
Lab: KH D4055
Email: [email protected]
Law/psychology and social/personality psychology. I conduct law/psychology research into legal decision making and how jurors/judges reach judgments. I also conduct social/personality psychology research into factors influencing the perceptions of aggressors and intergroup/interpersonal conflict.
Karen Wu ► Culture and Relationships Lab
Email: [email protected]
The lab investigates topics surrounding culture and/or close relationships, including interracial relationships, racial and ethnic preferences in dating, genes and social relationships, and relationship dynamics across cultures.