Lecturers Under Review

For Faculty Members Under Review:



Periodic Evaluation/Temporary Faculty

Cover sheet

Range Elevation/Temporary Faculty

Cover sheet


Directions for submittal of file materials for Evaluations:

Complete the relevant cover sheet (available above), print and sign/date it.

  1. Attach to the cover sheet:
    1. A current c.v.
    2. A Personnel Information Form (PIF) that summarizes your activities in the areas of A. Educational Performance, B. Professional Achievement, and C. Contributions to the University.*
    3. An index of any supplemental materials that substantiate the claims made in (b).
  2. Submit to your College Dean’s Office (by close of business on your file closure date) all materials listed above, as well as any supplemental materials indexed in (1c).

* Note: If you have an approved Individualized Professional Plan, attach that IPP and an appropriately modified PIF in lieu of (1b).