ARTP Department of Pan-African Studies

College of Natural and Social Sciences
Department of Pan-African Studies
Date Approved: February 2014


Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations

Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees (Probationary and Temporary Appointment, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, and Evaluation of Temporary, Probationary and Tenured Faculty)

Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees

The department annually elects 2 personnel committees.

The probationary and tenured faculty members of the department or equivalent unit shall elect a peer review committee(s) of tenured faculty members. When there are insufficient eligible members to serve on the peer committee, the department shall elect members from a related academic discipline(s).

(The Committees, as a whole, must take responsibility for the following tasks: Probationary Appointment; Temporary Appointment; Retention, Tenure and Promotion; Range Elevation; Evaluation of Temporary Faculty; Evaluation of Probationary Faculty; Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Post-Tenure review); Evaluation for Request to Emeritus status; and Collaboration on the Development of Individual Professional Plans. It is required that each unit indicate below which Committee is responsible for each of these tasks.)

Committee Titles and Responsibilities

Number of Members

(at least 3; all tenured full time)

(Indicate if must be (full) professor rank)

Number of Alternates

(1 or more; all tenured full-time)

(Indicate if must be (full) professor rank)

Appointment, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee

is responsible for the search and appointment of all junior tenure-track faculty hires, annual and periodic reviews for tenure-track and lecturer faculty, tenure and promotion of probationary, and range elevation for lecturer faculty.

3  tenured (A separate committee must be elected for probationary appointments; 1 probationary faculty may be elected for recruitment) 1

Senior Faculty Appointment, Retention and Promotion Faculty

is responsible for the search and appointment of all tenured and senior faculty hires and the promotion and post-tenure reviews for tenured faculty.

3 (Full Professors only)

(A separate committee must be elected for senior faculty appointments)



Affiliate Pan-African Studies Department faculty members are eligible to serve on ARTP committee

The Department Chair is always included on each evaluation committee.

Eligibility for Committee Service and Balloting

Recruitment of Probationary Faculty

Appointment of Probationary Faculty

Personnel Action Files

Individualized Professional Plans

Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion

Area of Specialization Terminal Degree
African/African-American/Black Studies


Social Sciences (Pol. Sci, Soc, Hist, etc.) Ph.D.
Humanities (English, Literature, etc.) Ph.D.
Law J.D.
Arts (Film, Theater, Visual, etc.) MFA or Ph.D.

Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty


Category B: Activities considered appropriate as "scholarly and creative activities" for the discipline are:

  • Publication of articles, book chapters and books
  • Media and public presentations to wider audiences for which faculty member is considered an expert
  • Film, theater and creative performances, installations and showings related to the field
  • Participation, consulting and services to community organizations related to the field

Committee Procedures

Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs

Student Consultation in Academic Personnel Processes

Oral Testimony

Role of Department/Division/School Chair or Director

Appointment of Temporary Faculty

Evaluation of Temporary Faculty


Three-year contract lecturers will be evaluated in year three of their contracted term.

Currency in the field will be determined by the currency of the materials used to teach assigned courses, as well as the teaching methods utilized. Lecturer faculty may also choose to submit materials related to research and service, including publications, film/media credits, academic presentations, community work, and university service. However, such endeavors are not required and the lack of submission of these items shall not negatively impact the review.

Consideration for Three-Year Appointments

Consideration for Range Elevation

Review of Department Personnel Procedures


Department: Pan-African Studies

Area of Specialization: Arts

Terminal Degree: M.F.A.

1. Why is this degree more relevant for this position than a doctorate?

The Master of Fine Arts degree is equally relevant, and in some cases, more relevant than a doctorate in that it is the terminal degree in fine arts. Holders of MFA degrees are specially uniquely prepared to serve as fine art scholars, researchers and practitioners. Perhaps more than many Ph.D.s, MFAs have a more definitive grasp on the meaning and practices of artistic engagement, including the use of different mediums, the relationship between the artist, the art form and the viewer, and particular and evolving techniques.

2. What is the availability of a doctorate in this field?

The Master of Fine Arts is the terminal degree in the field. There are some related, but not specific, doctorates.

3. Does this degree provide a faculty member with the necessary background to do research, scholarly, or creative work in the University?

Yes. MFA holders are regularly employed as University faculty. Many of the leading researchers, scholars and creative contributors to the field hold MFAs rather than Ph.D.s.

4.  Is there a requirement of the specialized accrediting agency related to terminal degrees of faculty in the department? If so, what is that requirement?


5.  What are the educational requirements for similar positions at comparable campuses? Please identify the campus and provide a copy of their relevant policies.

Verbal confirmations of tenure track hiring eligibility for MFAs were provided by the Departments of Africana Studies at CSU Dominguez Hills, CSU Northridge, CSU Long Beach, and CSU San Diego all allow for the hiring of MF As, as does the Program in African-American Studies at UCLA and the Departments of African-American Studies at UC Berkeley, and Howard University.

The acceptance of the MFA degree has been confirmed in recent conversations with Department Chairs and Associate Chairs at each of the aforementioned institutions. Since the MFA is a terminal degree, and has "norm" acceptance within arts disciplines, including Pan-African and Ethnic Studies given their interdisciplinary nature, no separate formal policy is required or in place at any of the institutions contacted.

Written confirmation of this practice was provided by the deans of two of the aforementioned institutions: San Francisco State and CSU Dominguez Hills.