ARTP College of Natural and Social Sciences

College of Natural and Social Sciences
Date Approved: October 2022


Review of Personnel Policies and Procedures

Recruitment of Probationary Faculty

Appointment of Probationary Faculty

Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations

Personnel Action Files


The College Faculty Policy Committee will be the committee to approve insertion of material into a personnel file after the closure date.

When being reviewed for tenure and/or promotion, the Personnel Information Form shall be cumulative.

Supplemental files of candidates for retention shall focus on the years under review. Work from previous years may be included only if it pertains directly to current activities. Additional materials from previous years may be requested by the appropriate committee if the committee believes they are necessary.

For promotion of candidates to full professor, the supplemental file should not contain materials that relate to promotion to associate professor, unless the materials represent selected significant milestones in career development.

Individualized Professional Plans

College Faculty Evaluation Committees


A person cannot serve concurrently on College Committees A and B.

Composition of College Personnel Committees (ARTP)

Committee Title and Responsibilities: Personnel Committee A

The committee shall consider all those eligible for promotion to the rank of professor and elevation to range C and D and those eligible for reappointment or tenure. Eligibility and criteria for promotion and for retention and tenure are defined in the Faculty Handbook. The committee shall recommend promotion for those deemed worthy. The committee shall recommend reappointment or tenure for those deemed worthy; and, for others, the committee shall recommend against reappointment or that the subsequent year be a terminal year.

Number of Members: five (5) voting and one (1) alternate

The names of all tenured Full Professors and eligible FERPs are to be placed on the Committee A ballot with the exception of the names of those who have served on either Committee A or Committee B in either of the previous two academic years, and current department chairs. Membership is to be determined using a single transferable ballot with ties resolved by means of a randomizing process.

At the first meeting of the committee, a chair and secretary shall be elected from its membership. The alternate shall participate fully in all committee discussion except those concerning members of his or her own department and may serve as committee chair or secretary. The alternate shall vote on recommendations only when an elected, regular member of the committee is absent or disqualified.

Number of Alternates: One (1)

The person ranked sixth in the College election shall be the alternate.

Quorum: Five (5) voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Other Relevant Factors, if any: NONE

Committee Title and Responsibilities: Personnel Committee B

The committee shall consider all assistant professors eligible for retention or tenure or for promotion to the rank of associate professor. The committee shall consider all temporary faculty eligible for range elevation to range B. Eligibility and criteria for promotion and for retention and tenure are defined in the Faculty Handbook. The committee shall recommend promotion for those deemed worthy. The committee shall recommend reappointment or tenure for those deemed worthy; and, for others, the committee shall recommend against reappointment or that the subsequent year be a terminal year.

Number of Members: five (5) voting and one (1) alternate

The names of all tenured Full and Associate Professors and eligible FERPs are to be placed on the Committee B ballot with the exception of the names of those who have served on either Committee A or Committee B in either of the previous two academic years, and current department chairs. Membership is to be determined using a single transferable ballot with ties resolved by means of a randomizing process.

At the first meeting of the committee, a chair and secretary shall be elected from its membership. The alternate shall participate fully in all committee discussion except those concerning members of his or her own department and may serve as committee chair or secretary. The alternate shall vote on recommendations only when an elected, regular member of the committee is absent or disqualified.

Number of Alternates: One (1)

The person ranked sixth in the College election shall be the alternate.

Quorum: Five (5) voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Other Relevant Factors, if any: NONE

Committee Procedures


The NSS Dean is not to participate in the RTP committee deliberations except for purposes of clarification of policy.

Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs

Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty


Appropriate Category B activities will be determined by each Department.

As a requirement for satisfactory performance in Category C, a faculty member must participate in academic governance and take part in departmental faculty meetings. Contributions to the larger community to fulfill the mission of the University are encouraged. It is the responsibility of the Department Chair and faculty member to have the appropriate supporting documentation in the personnel file before its closure.

Faculty are encouraged to emphasize achievements that pertain directly to work completed while at Cal State LA given that these accomplishments will be the basis of decisions on tenure, promotion, and range elevation.

Only tenured faculty members can conduct classroom observations for tenure-track faculty.

Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion


The appropriate terminal degree(s) for the College is/are: Ph.D., Doctor of Science, Doctor of Public Administration, M.D. when combined with a research thesis, Ed.D. in appropriate discipline.

The appropriate College Committee to make recommendations on the in lieu statement is: Faculty Policy Committee.

In the College of Natural and Social Sciences, there is no professional or vocational equivalent to the terminal degrees listed.

Procedures for Nomination and Recommendation for Promotion

Oral Testimony

Appointment of Temporary Faculty

Evaluation of Temporary Faculty

Consideration for Range Elevation


For evaluation of instructional performance for consideration for range elevation, temporary faculty must have at least three (3) different means of evaluation including student opinion surveys and classroom observations. These observations will occur at the minimum at least once each review cycle, and the procedures to be followed will be established by each Department. Temporary faculty must have student opinion surveys conducted in all classes taught.

Satisfactory performance in Category A and Currency in the Field are required for range elevation. Each Department shall determine suitable activities for Currency in the field. Evidence of Category A and Currency in the field must be provided.

Review of College Personnel Procedures