ARTP College of Arts and Letters

College of Arts and Letters
Date Approved: July 2018


Review of Personnel Policies and Procedures

Recruitment of Probationary Faculty

Appointment of Probationary Faculty

Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations

Personnel Action Files

Individualized Professional Plans


Individual Professional Plans (IPP) must be submitted and approved in the semester prior to their being implemented in a faculty member's evaluation. The IPP may be modified only at the request of the faculty member, subject to approval by the Department Chair and the Dean.

College Faculty Evaluation Committees


The College shall elect annually, by majority of those faculty members voting, two (2) personnel committee(s). All tenured and probationary members of the College shall be eligible to vote in these elections, including FERP faculty.

Composition of College Personnel Committees (ARTP)

Committee Title and Responsibilities

Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee A:

  1. To consider the promotion of associate professors to full professors
  2. To consider part-time faculty for range elevation

Number of Members:

Five (5) members with no more than one faculty member-regular or alternate- from each department shall be elected by the College faculty at large.

Ballot is comprised of all eligible faculty members, Committee A members must be tenured full professors.

Number of Alternates:

The two (2) individuals who are ranked next in the voting counted from a department not represented shall serve as alternates. Alternates will be present for and participate in all deliberations of the committee, but alternate shall only vote when the regular committee member is not present.


Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum.

Other relevant Factors, if any: In all deliberations the committee will consult the appropriate departmental ARTP document as guidance for evaluation.

Committee Title and Responsibilities

Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee B:

  1. To consider the retention and tenure of assistant professors
  2. To consider the promotion of assistant professors to associate professors

Number of Members:

Five (5) members with no more than one faculty member-regular or alternate- from each department shall be elected by the College faculty at large.

Ballot is comprised of all eligible faculty members, Committee B members must be at least tenured associate professors.

Number of Alternates:

The two (2) individuals who are ranked next in the voting counted from a department not represented shall serve as alternates.


Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum.

Other relevant Factors, if any: In all deliberations the committee will consult the appropriate departmental ARTP document as guidance for evaluation.

Committee Procedures

Review of Faculty Holding Joint Appointments and of Faculty Active in Interdisciplinary Programs

Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty


Departments shall use the following format for peer observation reports, syllabus and other course materials.


The following information is to be included in a peer observation letter. please use as many categories and descriptions as are appropriate. Faculty may submit self-reflection of the same session covered by this peer evaluation.

Professor's Name, Course Title and Meeting Times
  • Please state the date, time, and duration of peer observation.
Description of Information covered during the observation
    Observer must note own field of expertise
  • currency of knowledge base (if this can be assessed)
  • accuracy of information (if this can be assessed)

Classroom Atmosphere

  • rapport with students
  • professionalism in responding to/answering questions
  • appropriateness/effectiveness of classroom and technology
Teaching Strategies
  • Pedagogical techniques
  • variety (grouping, lecture, modeling, multimedia, etc.)
  • active involvement
  • clarity in articulation of knowledge or technique being covered
  • continuity
  • time management

Quality/Effectiveness of Teaching Materials

Integration of Technology in the lesson

Overall Teaching Effectiveness
  • challenges high level thinking or performance by students
  • meets objectives of lesson

Other: (If there are obvious problems or deficiencies observed, the peer review letter can include recommendation for improvement)

Overview of instructor's Syllabus
  • requirements clearly stated
  • lists and integrates content and performance standards of appropriate accreditation body (as applicable)
Assessments/Student Outcomes
  • relevant assignments or activities
Any evidence of Collaboration
  • guest speakers; co-teaching with other faculty, artists, and/or students

Appropriateness of Required Textbook or Teaching Materials

Integration of Technology in the course/assignments

Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion


The appropriate terminal degree(s) for the College is/are : Ph.D., MFA, JD, Ed.D., DMA, DME, or equivalent degrees.

The appropriate College Committee to make recommendations on the in lieu statement is: The College Faculty Affairs Committee.

Normal consideration for promotion to full professor requires the completion of four (4) years of service at CSULA at the rank of associate professor, and this time period is not affected by credit having been given (at the time of appointment) toward the granting of tenure. That is, normal consideration is in the fifth year and the promotion, if granted, is effective at the beginning of the sixth year.

Procedures for Nomination and Recommendation for Promotion

Oral Testimony

Appointment of Temporary Faculty

Evaluation of Temporary Faculty

Consideration for Range Elevation

Review of College Personnel Procedures