When someone refers a student to our office for an alleged violation of the Standards for Student Conduct, we will email the student notifying them of the referral.
A student conduct administrator will schedule a meeting with you to go over the report and information gathered from an investigation.
We will discuss whether the issue can be resolved informally through a resolution agreement or formally through a student conduct hearing.
To learn more, visit this step-by-step breakdown of the Student Conduct Process.
A student conduct administrator will make an opening statement. Both you and a student conduct administrator can present evidence and witnesses before a Hearing Officer.
Once all witnesses have been called, a student conduct administrator will make a closing statement.
The Hearing Officer will submit a report to the Vice President for Student Life outlining what happened at the hearing, whether a violation occurred and, if so, recommended sanctions.
More details and tips for how to prepare are available at What to Expect at a Student Conduct Hearing.
Student Conduct hearings are taking place on Zoom while we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please read our Instructions for a Virtual Conduct Hearing.
For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.