NMR Training

         NMR Training Program

Prior to any NMR training, it is required that potential users become familiar with the basic concepts of NMR theory at least at the level available in introductory organic textbooks.


General information for User Training and Access

Training sessions are conducted only by the NMR Facility Manager, Dr. Ali Jabalameli PS652, ex 2320

  1. Basic training sessions begin the second week of each quarter. However, the Facility Manger will announce two weeks in advance the exact date and time each quarter.
  2. Every person who wants to use an NMR spectrometer must be explicitly authorized to do so by the Facility Manager.
  3. The "explicit authorization" will include either successful completions of training or a check-out test in which the person demonstrates to NMR Facility Manager that he/she can use the spectrometer in question without assistance from another person and without endangering either themselves or the spectrometer.
  4. The Intermediate and Advanced training sessions will occur according to arrangements made in advance with the NMR Facility Manager.
  5. In general, the process of training will be completed in small groups of five or less. However, this varies for different instruments.
  6. Training sessions last from 45 minutes to 2 hours. The number of training sessions required depends on the previous experience of the user. This process may take less than one week or up to several weeks, depending on the individual trainee.
  7. Once a user is approved, she/he will receive a signed certificate form the NMR Facility Manager indicating the level of the training: Basic (I and II), Intermediate or Advanced. See training section for more details.

Basic NMR Training

This training is open to everyone affiliated with the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at CSULA. Others may obtain special permission to receive training. All training is by appointment with NMR facility Manger, at the beginning of each quarter (second or third week). There are three type of trainings; Basic, Intermediate and Advance. Basic training has two parts (Basic Basic II and I) that involves employing the 400 MHz NMR instrument. These training begin with an introduction to the NMR Facility and the Avance II 400 MHz NMR instrument. Basic training continues for ~ 3-6 lessons (1-2 lessons per week) until a satisfactory level of competence and confidence is reached. After passing the basic training lessons, students receive, the Basic NMR certificate and an NMR account to the Avance II 400 MHz NMR spectrometer. NMR time is reserved using the FACES scheduling system (http://faces.ccrc.uga.edu/). The manager will arrange all the user accounts.


The Basic I includes:

  1. Safety orientation.
  2. Assessment of the student’s previous NMR knowledge and experience.
  3. Introduction to ICONNMR (NMR automation software).
  4. Introduction to 1D experiment.
  5. Introduction to multinuclear NMR experiments; 31P, 11B, 19F, and 13C.
  6. Data Acquisition and processing: exponential multiplications, Fourier transform,
  7. Data manipulation: baseline corrections, phasing, peak picking, integration, and printing.


The Basic II includes:

  1. Review of the 400 MHz NMR instrument hardware
  2. Introduction to TOPSPIN software.
  3. The 2H Lock, Shimming on the lock signal and Gradient Shimming
  4. Introduction to 2D experiments; COSY, NOESY, ROSEY, HMQC and HMBC.
  5. Introduction to multinuclear NMR experiments; Review of hardware set up; preamplifiers routing.
  6. Manual and automatic Tuning and marching the probe
  7. Variable Temperature NMR experiment.



Intermediate NMR Training

Prerequisites for the intermediate NMR training is the Basic I and Basic II training. After passing the basic training lessons, those who wish to advance their use of NMR beyond the 400 MHz NMR, may request for the intermediate training on 600 MHz NMR. The intermediate training consists of the followings;

  1. Review of the 600 MHz NMR instrument hardware.
  2. Introduction the Topspin software.
  3. Gradient shimming
  4. Introduction to various types of probes and tuning and matching.
  5. 1D and 2D data acquisition, processing and printing using Xwinplot.
  6. Variable Temperature NMR experiment.
  7. Multinuclear NMR (13C, 31P, 19F, 11B, 17O) experiments.




Advanced NMR Training: (NOT YET AVAVILABLE)

Prerequisites for the Advanced training is the Basic I, Basic II, and Intermediate training program. After passing the basic and intermediate training and have demonstrated mastery, your research director can request Advanced training for you on the 600 MHz NMR.


  1. Review of the 600 MHz NMR instrument hardware.
  2. Introduction the Topspin software.
  3. Introduction to various types of probes and tuning and matching.
  4. 1D acquisition and processing and printing using Xwinplot.
  5. 2D data acquisition and processing; COSY, NOESY, ROSEY, HMBC, HQMC, HQSC and printing using Xwinplot.
  6. Variable Temperature NMR experiments on the 600 MHZ NMR.
  7. Introduction to Solid NMR spectroscopy.
  8. Sample preparation overview.
  9. 1HMAS, 13CPMAS Experiments.
  10. Triple resonance experiments.