Graduate Resource Center

Graduate Student Writing Support

Graduate students can make an appointment with a GRC Writing Consultant for feedback and support on a variety of writing assignments and projects.

Visit our Writing Support webpage to learn more.

Workshops and Webinars

Every fall and spring semester, the Graduate Resource Center offers workshops and webinars related to graduate school and graduate student professional development.

Visit our GRC Workshops webpage to read workshop descriptions and to RSVP.


Each semester, we offer a New Graduate Student Orientation Session to guide you in the right direction as you embark on your graduate studies. For information about our upcoming orientation sessions, visit our New Graduate Student Orientation webpage.

Every year, representatives from Cal State LA and other graduate and professional schools participate in the Graduate and Professional Schools Recruitment Fair. Representatives provide students with admissions, curricular, and financial aid information. This is a great opportunity for students who are interested in transitioning into a graduate or professional program after they complete their bachelor's degree. Visit the event webpage for more information.

The Office of Graduate Studies is the main point of contact for the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education. To learn more about this all-day graduate school event, visit the Diversity Forum webpage.

The Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) and the California Pre-Doctoral Scholars Program (Pre-Doc) are two systemwide programs that support the doctoral aspirations of students. The GRC offers info sessions every year to outline application procedures and tips. Visit the PreDoc and CDIP webpage for more information.

The Grad Slam is a competition where graduate student participants are allowed 3 minutes and one static PowerPoint slide to present their research to a non-expert audience. Representatives from each CSU campus compete for cash prizes at the statewide competition every spring. 

Visit the Grad Slam webpage for more information about the competition.

The Graduate Student and Faculty Mentor Recognition Reception recognize the accomplishments of current graduate students who have in the past year presented a paper at a regional, national, or international professional conference, authored or coauthored a publication, and/or received a special award or recognition for their scholarship and creative activity. To view programs from previous years, visit the event webpage.