Health Career Readiness Series

Are you considering a health-related career? Participate in the Health Career Readiness Series!  

This 3-day series will feature workshops, information sessions and panels about preparing for careers in various healthcare settings. The session on October 8 will focus on Academic Pathways to Health Careers, including graduate and professional programs offered here at Cal State LA. Sessions on October 9 will focus on Resources for Health Career Readiness and sessions on October 10 will focus on The Journey to Medical, Dental, and Pharmacy School.

This program is a collaboration between faculty in health-related disciplines, the Graduate Resource Center, the Career Center, and community partners from Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science and USC. 

Download the PowerPoint slides.

October 8: Academic Pathways to Health Careers at Cal State LA

Series Kickoff

The kickoff event will highlight Cal State LA’s academic programs in health and will look ahead to the rest of the week.

Panel: Faculty Perspectives on Health Careers

A panel of faculty from the health disciplines will share the stories of their own health careers and will discuss the ways their programs support health career readiness.

Student and Faculty Mixer

Students and faculty will have the opportunity to connect and share about their common interest in health careers.

October 9: Resources for Career Readiness

Workshop: Professional Branding for Health Career Readiness

Andres Sandoval, a Career Advisor who supports the Health and Life Sciences Career Cluster, will facilitate a session on professional branding for health career readiness. 

Info Session: Library Resources

Adele Dobry, the Health Sciences Librarian, will present about the resources in the Library to support health career readiness.

Info Session: MDPas

Learn about the support and resources available to students through the MDPas program.

October 10: The Journey to Medical, Dental, and Pharmacy School

Panel: The Journey to Medical, Dental, and Pharmacy School

Community partners from Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science and USC will discuss how to prepare for and apply to medical, dental, and pharmacy school.

Series Close 

Dr. Karin Elliott Brown will present closing remarks about the Health Careers Readiness Series.