The recruitment and hiring process requires compliance with federal, state and CSU guidelines. Please plan ahead to ensure timely staffing: Dates & Deadlines.
The Process
Job Requisition
- Begin by writing the job description using the required templates below.
- Student Assistant
- Instructional Student Assistant
- Work Study Student Assistant (Visit the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program for more information or email: [email protected])
- Describe what students will be doing in the role and which skills are preferred. Determine if the role requires a Live Scan. If so, include this in information in your job posting. We are available to help you write the job description; email us at [email protected] for advice.
- Complete the Student Employment Requisition and attach your job description. Route the requisition for signatures with your appropriate administrator and fiscal officer. (Reference the Requisition Form Completion Handbook)
- Submit the completed and signed Student Employment Requisition to [email protected] for approval.
Notes: 1. A new requisition must be submitted each year. Be sure that the active requisition has been approved for the term you are seeking to recruit. 2. If your requisition is for a Federal Work-Study position, the FWS program will inform you of approval; email: [email protected].
Job Posting
Handshake is an online career community for college students. Students can search for student jobs at Cal State LA in addition to internships and jobs to launch their career.
All student assistant jobs must be posted on Handshake and students must submit their application directly on Handshake.
Request Access to Post Jobs on Handshake
If you do not have a Handshake account, contact [email protected] to receive the form to request an invitation to join. Please provide the email address of the requestor and the email address of their department head.
The invitation will be sent by Handshake and you will need to click on the link provided to get started. Then, use our Handshake Campus Employer Registration guide to set up your account.
Post the Job on Handshake for Approval
With your employer access to Handshake, use our How to Manage Student Job Postings in Handshake to post the job.
Your job posting will be pending review by Career Center. We compare your job posting to the description approved in the requisition. If there are discrepancies, we will contact you to request edits. When your requisition and job posting on Handshake match, we will approve the job posting making it active for students to see and apply.
Note: The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships reviews and approves Federal Work-Study positions. Visit the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program for more information or email [email protected].
Review Applications
Applicants are required to submit the Student Employment Application to the job posting on Cal State LA Handshake. Use your Handshake account to see who has applied for the job and to access their applications. We encourage you to indicate the status of the candidate's application. This action helps students know where they are in the process of applying.
Confirm Eligibility
Candidates for student assistant and instructional student assistant classified positions must be currently enrolled or admitted to a Cal State LA degree program and registered for the following academic semester, and not academically disqualified.
Interview Candidates
Interview qualified candidates. List and rate all interviewees on the Student Employment Interview Record Form.
Inform the Candidate of Selection
In Handshake, select hire for the candidate(s) you would like to hire. Select decline for the candidates you did not select. Go to How to Manage Student Job Postings in Handshake for more guidance.
Inform the Career Center of your Hiring Request
Submit the following to [email protected]:
- The Student Employee Transaction Form* signed by your appropriate administrator and fiscal officer. (Reference the ETF Completion Handbook)
- The Student Employment Application completed by the selected candidate(s). All applications must be submitted on Handshake.
- The Student Employment Interview Record Form, including all interviewed candidates.
- If hiring an Instructional Student Assistant (1150), an Instructional Assistant Appointment Letter.
*IMPORTANT: The effective dates that are entered in the Employment Transaction Form (ETF) are requested dates and not the actual date to begin work. Students cannot begin working until we issue an Authorization to Work notice by email.
Reminders: Positions under Federal Work-Study must be coordinated with the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program. For more information or email: [email protected].
Employment Eligibility
When we receive your hiring request, our team will review whether:
- The student has cleared Live Scan if required for the job duties listed on the student employment requisition.
- The student is enrolled in accordance with the related CSU classification.
- The student was previously employed at Cal State LA in accordance with related I-9 clearances.
If a Live Scan is required, Career Center staff will contact the student to arrange a Live Scan appointment.
Once we are notified of the results of Live Scan and they have passed, we will email to schedule the hiring appointment to verify their I-9 employment eligibility.
The Live Scan appointment will be conducted at the Cal State LA Department of Public Safety. To help prepare your student for the appointment, we have listed the instructions below. There is no cost for Cal State LA student employees.
Students will be asked to take the following steps:
Respond to our email to confirm your in-person Live Scan appointment. Complete and sign the Information Practices Act Notice Form and the Live Scan Application Form. These forms are sent via DocuSign.
Attend your scheduled Live Scan appointment.
Once the Live Scan appointment is completed, you must email your name, CIN and the ATI number listed on the Live Scan application to [email protected].
Once we are notified of the results of Live Scan result and you have passed, we will email you to schedule the in-person hiring appointment to verify I-9 employment eligibility.
Career Center staff will invite students to schedule a hiring appointment through Navigate LA.
During the Hiring Appointment
Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
All candidates for student employment must demonstrate employment eligibility. The steps for demonstrating employment eligibility depend upon the students' status.
Review the steps for obtaining an Authorization to Work to help your candidate complete the process in a timely manner. Students are responsible for completing their I-9 verification in person.
Payroll Documents
After I-9 verification, students will be asked to complete payroll and new employee documents. We guide students through these steps during the hiring appointment.
Once the above steps are completed, we will email the student, supervisor and preparer of the Employment Transaction Form (ETF) to provide the Authorization to Work notice.
Types of Authorizations to Work
Authorizations to Work are issued based on the enrollment status of the student employee.
Enrolled Half-time or More
Student assistants (classification 1870) are temporary, part-time workers who are currently enrolled, at minimum, a half-time credit load with the primary goal of achieving a degree.
Enrolled Less than Half-time
If a student is enrolled less than half time at the time of hire (classification 1874), they must have been enrolled half time or more in the prior term AND enrolled half time or more in the upcoming term.
Exception: If the student graduated in the prior term, they can work one term immediately following graduation.
Not Enrolled When Hired Nor in the Previous Term
A conditional authorization to work is issued on the condition that the student will enroll half time or more in the coming academic term.
Failure to enroll half time or more by the Census deadline may result in termination of employment.