Background checks are required for student workers if they will be performing work in which a background check is required by law, the work accesses Level I data or involves direct contact with minor children. Background checks are conducted once a conditional offer of employment is made.
Determine if Live Scan/Background Check is Required
To determine if a Live Scan and/or background check is required, answer the following questions:
- Do the job duties for the position have any potential exposure to Level 1 confidential data (CSU Information Security policy, i.e. ICSUAM 8030)?
- Do the job duties involve direct contact with minor children (under the age of 18) (Education Code 10911.5)?
- Does the position require a background check by law (access to patients, drugs or medication, access to stored criminal offender record information, police personnel, i.e. California Government Code 1029 and 1031, Commission Regulation 1959, California Labor Code 432.7, 11 CCR 703 and 11 CCR 10911.5)?
- Does the position require operating commercial vehicles, machinery, or equipment that could pose environmental hazards or cause injury, illness, or death?
- Does the position require regular access, for any purpose other than routine solicitation and processing of credit card applications in a retail establishment, to all of the following information of any one person: bank or credit card account information, social security number, and date of birth?
- Does the position involve regular access to cash totaling ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more during the workday?
- Does the position involve access to confidential or proprietary information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, process or trade secret?
If you answer yes to any of the above questions, a Live Scan and/or background check is required. You must indicate this on the Student Employment Requisition and the Handshake job posting. Live Scan background checks are conducted once a conditional offer of employment is made. Once we are notified of the results of Live Scan and they are cleared, we will email to schedule the hiring appointment to verify their I-9 employment eligibility.
The Live Scan appointment will be conducted at the Cal State LA Department of Public Safety, which is listed as building 46 on the campus map. There is no cost for Cal State LA student employees.
Extensions of Temporary Appointment
To determine if a Live Scan is required, answer the following question:
- Have the job duties of the position changed?
If yes, you must submit a new Student Employment Requisition and address questions one to three above to determine if Live Scan is required. If yes, Live Scan background checks will be conducted once the conditional offer of extension is made. Once we are notified of the results of Live Scan and they are cleared, we will email the notification of extension. Students may not begin work until Live Scan is cleared.
Request Live Scan for Federal Work-Study
If a Live Scan is required, Financial Aid and Scholarships staff will contact the student to arrange a Live Scan appointment. The Career Center will receive the results of the Live Scan and inform the Federal Work-Study program for their follow-up. Visit the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program for more information or email [email protected].
Live Scan Appointment
If your position requires a Live Scan, Career Center will email you to schedule the Live Scan appointment.
Before the Live Scan Appointment
- Complete and sign the Information Practices Act Notice Form and the Live Scan Application Form. These forms are sent to students via DocuSign.
- Print the Live Scan form (page 1) and bring with you to your Live Scan appointment. If you do not have access to a printer, please reply to the appointment confirmation email, and the Career Center can arrange a time to assist you with printing the form 30 minutes before your scheduled Live Scan appointment.
- Once you have completed the Live Scan appointment, email your name, CIN and the ATI number listed on the Live Scan application to [email protected].
During the Live Scan Appointment
- Only you will be admitted to the appointment site. If you have an accommodation need, please notify the Career Center staff when you schedule your appointment.
- Upon arrival to the Department of Public Safety, please call 323-343-3700 or use the building intercom.
For more information, visit Live Scan Fingerprinting Services. If you would like a copy of your Live Scan results, you can contact the Department of Justice Record Review Office at (916) 227-3835 and/or visit