Transfer Success Pathway

Discover your path to Cal State LA! The Transfer Success Pathway (TSP) program is available to all graduating high school students beginning with the Class of 2024.

Participation in the Transfer Success Pathway program guarantees you a spot at Cal State LA when you meet the program requirements.

Transfer Success Pathway - Admission to the CSU from Community College

Student Eligibility

Eligible students can enter into an agreement with Cal State LA. This agreement indicates that you intend to transfer from community college to Cal State LA within three years.

You may be eligible if:

  • You're a recent high school graduate, or earned a GED, and have yet to earn any college credit since completing high school.
  • You're a first-time freshman entering a California Community College and were not eligible to attend the CSU when you graduated from high school.
  • You're a first-time freshmen who was eligible to attend the CSU, but you didn't do so because of personal or financial reasons.

Program Benefits

  • Enter into an agreement with Cal State LA and receive guaranteed admission to the degree program of your choice (if all requirements are met).
  • Receive personalized guidance from Cal State LA representatives to create an educational plan that will help you transfer within three years or less.
  • Map out your coursework using the CSU Transfer Planner portal (coming soon) to ensure you’re on track for your degree.

Program Application

Students can enroll in the Transfer Success Pathway program between August 1 and September 30, 2024. Students will submit their application through the Transfer Planner.

TSP Program Offerings

Accounting Option
Asian and Asian American Studies 
Aviation Administration
Business Economics Option
Business Prelegal Option
Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies 
Child Development 
Civil Engineering 
Communicative Disorders 
Computer Information Systems 
Computer Science 
Criminal Justice 
Electrical Engineering 
Engineering Technology
Entrepreneurship Option
Exercise Science 
Finance Option
Fire Protection Administration and Technology 
Healthcare Administration Option

Human Resources Management Option
International Business Option
Latin-American Studies 
Liberal Studies
Management Option
Marketing Option
Mechanical Engineering 
Natural Science  
Nutritional Science 
Operations and Supply Chain Management Option
Pan-African Studies 
Political Science 
Public Health 
Real Estate Option
Rehabilitation Services 
Retailing Option
Social Work 
Television, Film, and Media Studies 
Urban Learning 
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 

Frequently Asked Questions

Students will be guaranteed admission to Cal State LA and their degree program upon completing the transfer requirements.

Students will receive personalized guidance from their Cal State LA Transfer Success Counselor and create an educational plan to help them transfer within three years or less. Students will also map out their coursework using the CSU Transfer Planner portal to ensure they stay on track for their degree.

TSP applicants can attend multiple community colleges; however, students can only apply to one campus program and have one TSP agreement.

Students wishing to end their TSP agreement must submit a request for release and allow time for the campus to review it. Students can request to cancel their agreement at any time. However, the ability to select another campus or major is only during their enrollment period between August 1 and September 30.

If a student requests to be released from their original agreement, they can elect to make an agreement with another campus or program, provided it is within the filing period of August 1 and September 30.

Students deemed ineligible for the TSP program by any campus cannot enter into any agreement with any other CSU campus. These students will still be able to utilize the CSU Transfer Planner.