
May Fu
Associate Professor and Chair
Ph.D. Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego
Office: KH C-4073A
Email: [email protected]
Areas: Comparative ethnic studies, race and social movements, women of color feminisms

Paul Cheng
Ph.D. English, UC Riverside
Office: ESCT A628
Email: [email protected]
Areas: Asian American literature, film, and visual cultures

Wei-Lun Jason Chiu
Assistant Professor
Ed.D. Educational Leadership, Cal State LA
Office: KH C-4073A
Email: [email protected]
Areas: Mentorship in higher education, culturally relevant pedagogy, race and ethnicity in education

Darron Michael Cunanan
M.A. Sociology, Cal State LA
Office: KH C-4073A
Email: [email protected]
Areas: Popular culture, gender, social media studies

Boone Nguyen
M.F.A. Art Cal State LA; M.A. Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego
Office: KH C-4073A
Email: [email protected]
Areas: Critical ethnic studies, multimedia installation art, visual ethnography, war and ecology
Website: www.boonenguyen.com

Juily Phun
Associate Professor
Ph.D. History, UC Irvine
Office: KH C-4073A
Email: [email protected]
Areas: San Gabriel Valley, community organizing, environmental justice

Kiki Rivera
M.F.A. Theatre and Dance, University of Hawaii at Mānoa
Office: KH C-4073A
Email: [email protected]
Areas: Playwriting, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander theatre, community engagement

Joy Sales
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. History, Northwestern
Office: KH C-4073A
Email: [email protected]
Areas: Social movements, transnationalism and diaspora, Filipino studies

Jun Xing
Ph.D. American Studies, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Email: [email protected]
Areas: Popular culture, critical pedagogy, U.S.-China cultural relations

Sun-Hee Yoon
Ph.D. History, University of Washington
Office: KH B-4006
Email: [email protected]
Areas: East Asian history, labor, globalization