The College of Ethnic Studies invites applications for a cluster hire of faculty with demonstrated records of success in teaching, research, and service in various areas of ethnic studies and with Asian/Asian American, American Indian/Indigenous, Black/Pan-African, and/or Chicanx/Latinx communities. There are seven positions at the assistant, associate, and full professor ranks, and all begin in Fall 2022.
The College of Ethnic Studies is the second such college in the country and is home to various majors, minors, and master’s degrees. We currently house three departments: Asian and Asian American Studies, Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies, and Pan-African Studies. We provide an interdisciplinary intellectual space that centers the histories, traditions, cultures, experiences, struggles, and accomplishments of diasporic communities of color, making connections between the local and transnational. Our College is currently made up of 18 tenure-line faculty and over 30 lecturer faculty who engage in rigorous, self-reflexive study that motivates critical engagement, self-determination, and decolonial understandings of the world. We seek faculty candidates who are committed to community engagement and to teaching our racially/ethnically diverse student body.