Vehicles are not allowed on the Main Walkway or the interior area of the campus without prior approval and possession of an Inner Campus (IC) permit. IC permits are physical permits that grant access to the interior area of the campus restricted by divisional bollards. If the removal of the bollards is NOT necessary to park, an IC permit is NOT required. Please contact (323) 343-6118 should you require a different type of permit.
Only campus department/office contacts may request these permits for projects/events on behalf of their area. Requests will be reviewed by Parking and approved based on necessity and safety of the campus community.
Once approved, the driver must collect their permit at the Department of Public Safety. Drivers must present a valid driver’s license for the class of vehicle being driven and cleared by University Police Dispatch at the time of pick-up. These permits are non-transferrable and are only valid for the authorized individual to whom it was issued. Hence, drivers may not collect these permits on behalf of other drivers. IC permits MUST be displayed on the vehicle’s dashboard at all times to visually identify themselves with our Parking enforcement personnel. If a driver is not cleared to enter the interior of the campus, a different type of permit will be recommended.
The closest interior campus entrance point with least pedestrian traffic to the destination point will always be instructed for access. Pedestrians always have the right of way, and vehicles shall not be driven at a speed greater than (5) MPH at any time. Driving on the Main Walkway between 8 am – 8 pm is prohibited unless absolutely necessary (exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with prior approval and escort arrangements).
IC permit fees may be paid via a department chargeback account number, credit card, or check. The Parking representative can provide estimated permit fees upon request.
Please submit requests at least (2) business days in advance to ensure your permits are readily available. Submit the e-form below and await receipt confirmation from a Parking representative.
Inner-Campus Permit can be used to park in a regular parking stall if needed after gaining access to the campus interior. Assigned parking location must be noted on the Inner Campus Permit.