This website has known minor accessibility issues that may affect users accessing this resource via a keyboard or assistive technology. The following known issues are scheduled for remediation internally and with our vendor partner. On the job listing page, there is missing alt-text, multiple labels for the same form, empty button controls, and a broken ARIA reference. When enrolling and updating your applicant profile, applicants may encounter numerous form fields with the same or similar labels and some radio buttons and checkboxes that are unlabeled, which could confuse if navigating via these elements alone. Once logged in to the applicant portal, some areas exhibit very low color contrast.
If you are not able to perform a function on this website due to an accessibility barrier, please contact Human Resources Management, 323-343-3694, [email protected] for assistance.
If you have additional questions or concerns regarding the accessibility of this resource or need further assistance with an accommodation request, email Cal State LA Accessibility at [email protected] or call 323-343-2750.