Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing Endowment

Photo od Dr. Patricia A. Chin


$7 Million Dollar Gift Renames the School of Nursing

by Dr. Lorie Judson

Dr. Patricia Chin, her husband Dr. William Chin and family have presented a transformative gift of $7 million to the newly-named Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing. Six million dollars will endow the Chin Family Institute for Nursing, with one million dollars to the Simulation Lab in the Chin School of Nursing.

The Chins have been innovative leaders in the healthcare professions and consider California State University, Los Angeles to be a center for educating future healthcare leaders. Dr. Patricia Chin is a former director of the School of Nursing and emerita professor earning both her Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Nursing at Cal State LA. Dr. William Chin was a founding partner and executive medical director of Health Care Partners LLC.

Dr. Patricia Chin envisions the Chin Family Institute for Nursing integrating education, clinical practice, and research with the community to facilitate leadership in the areas of professional nursing, advocacy, and regional and national healthcare policy. Inter-professional links and innovation between other schools and departments on campus, including Social Work, Kinesiology, Criminal Justice, Nutritional Sciences, and Public Health, will be developed and fostered.  Certificate programs in Informatics, Forensic nursing, Telehealth, and others are also a part of this vison. Dr. Lorie Judson has accepted the role of half-time inaugural Executive Director of the Institute and is working closely with Dr. Pat Chin to develop by-laws, appoint board members, and initiate a search for a full-time director.

The Chin gift for the Simulation Lab will partially fund a full-time director and provide education for the clinical faculty, after construction costs to the renovated space are covered. This expansion to a state-of-the art lab will enable the school to graduate clinically competent nurses and nurse practitioners and to continue to forge ties with the community and our practice partners.

Photo of Dr. Patricia A. Chin and students


Dr. Patricia Chin stated, “As United States healthcare evolves to improve the quality and access to patients and reduce waste in our healthcare system, it is nursing that will be the catalyst for this change.” The Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing is grateful for the Chin’s donation which will enable the university to continue their national leadership in nursing education.