The mission of the Applied Gerontology Institute (AGI) is to reduce health, social, and economic disparities among the older adult population and their families through applied research as well as the interdisciplinary education of students, professionals, paraprofessionals, community agency personnel, and volunteers working with older persons and their families.

Learn about Our Program
The Applied Gerontology Institute (formerly the Edward R. Roybal Institute for Applied Gerontology) was established on July 1, 2006.
- Undergraduate Certificate Program in Applied Gerontology
- Applied Gerontology Institute Program Brochure
A message from our Director
Welcome to the Applied Gerontology Institute (AGI). The AGI was developed in response to demands from the community and various professions working with the older adult population e.g., social work, nursing, health sciences, for curriculum and applied research that focuses on aging. The demographics of aging are increasingly drawing attention within these fields due to the dramatic growth of the older adult population in the United States, especially among the oldest (over 85) age segment. Average life expectancy has surpassed 75 years, and many older adults are a part of four and even five generational families. The aging of the population affects all generations, i.e., the rise in kinship care and the pressing needs of adults in mid-life who are caring both for older family members as well as children is increasing rapidly.