The Beverly Hospital/Applied Gerontology Institute Caregiver Support Training Program
Funding Source: UniHealth Foundation
Valentine M. Villa, Ph.D. (PI)
Anh-Luu Huynh-Hohnbaum, Ph.D. (Co-PI)
January 8, 2007
The intent of this program is to improve the health and well-being of persons providing care for individuals with chronic illnesses through a Caregiver Support/Training Program. Beverly Hospital and the Applied Gerontology Institute at California State University, Los Angeles with funding from the UniHealth Foundation have developed, implemented, and evaluated a comprehensive caregiver training program for family caregivers with direct charge of patients. The model is adapted from the “Coping with Caregiving” model developed and tested by Gallagher- Thompson and her associates as part of the multi-site study: REACH. During Years 1 and 2 of the project, the Caregiver Support Training Program was administered to 199 participants residing in the Beverly Hospital service area.
Click here for the executive summary in Adobe PDF
“NLM Medline Plus En Español: Reaching and Empowering the Latino Community”
Funding Source: National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Valentine M. Villa, Ph.D. (PI)
Jorge Lambrinos, BA (Co-PI)
July 31, 2007
The “NLM En Español: Reaching and Empowering the Latino Community” was a project funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The purpose of the project was to measure the accessibility and acceptability of the Medline Plus en Español program and related educational materials i.e., prescription pad and bookmark. To achieve this goal, a series of focus groups which include various groups within the Latino population as well as physicians and other providers have been convened. A discussion guide was developed to structure the focus group sessions so that substantive feedback on health literacy, knowledge and accessibility of the website, and use of the website can be obtained. This information has been analyzed and a series of comments and recommendations have been provided for the further development and possible modification of the marketing materials and website.
Click here for the executive summary in Adobe PDF
The Beverly Hospital/Applied Gerontology Institute Spanish Speaking Caregiver Support Training Program
Funding Source: UniHealth Foundation
Valentine M. Villa, Ph.D. (PI)
July 1, 2009
Beverly Hospital, in collaboration with the Applied Gerontology Institute at California State University, Los Angeles, was funded by UniHealth Foundation to establish a model program for a Spanish Speaking Caregiver Support/Training for the monolingual Spanish-speaking population. This project is an extension of a previously funded UniHealth Foundation project, which was very successful. The Spanish Speaking Caregiver Support Training Program began July 1, 2007, and is based on the model “Coping with Caregiving” developed and tested by Gallagher- Thompson and her associates as part of the multi-site study: REACH. The project was funded for two years with the goal of training 120 monolingual Spanish Speaking caregivers. Together the Beverly Hospital and the Applied Gerontology Institute developed, implemented, and evaluated a comprehensive caregiver training program for monolingual Spanish Speaking family caregivers with direct charge of patients. Curriculum and services have been targeted to Spanish-speaking caregivers of individuals with chronic illnesses through a caregiver support/training program featuring psycho-educational group intervention. The training and support programs are designed specifically for replication and implementation in diverse populations. During year one of the program 61 caregivers participated in the eight-week training program. An additional 60 Spanish-speaking caregivers were trained during year two of the project.