Chin Family Institute for Nursing

Left to right: Addressing the Trauma of COVID on Healthcare Workers with event details in gold, white, and black. Right: paper mache
Addressing the Trauma of COVID on Healthcare Workers
Friday, November 19, 2021
8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PST
Zoom Webinar
The Cal State LA Chin Family Institute for Nursing is hosting a workshop in support of frontline healthcare professionals during COVID-19 to provide participants with tools intended to access self-care skills designed to build a therapeutic mind-body connection and experiences ways to express oneself during stress. This event is open to all professionals, not limited to the Cal State LA community. Workshop program, speakers, and registration instructions are below.

Registration fee:
Professionals - $25.00
Students - $10.00

This event will be recorded. For more information, please email Zoe-Anne Fitzhugh, consultant and project coordinator for the Chin Family Institute for Nursing, at [email protected]

The purpose of this virtual workshop is to provide participants with tools to access skills designed to build a therapeutic mind-body connection, and experience ways to express oneself during times of stress.

The participant will

  • Discuss self-care skills, for example:
    • Expressing oneself through art and/or writing.
    • Appreciating the tension releasing strategies you control, such as breathing, focusing, grounding, and centering.
  • Practice selected self-care strategies such as controlled diaphragmatic breathing, centering one’s energy, focusing on the present (grounding).

Program at a Glance

8:40 a.m. Webinar opens
8:45 a.m. Welcome and introductions
9:00 a.m. “Building Resilience: Mindfulness and the Connection with Self, Others” Presented by Brian Shiers (90 minutes)
10:30 a.m. "Art and Healthcare" Presented by Ali Tayyeb (90 minutes)
12:00 p.m. Summary and closure

Click here to view the detailed program (PDF).

Headshot of Brian Shiers. “Building Resilience: Mindfulness and the Connection with Self, Others”
Brian F. Shiers, MA, LMFT, CMF
Founder, Aligned Mind
Learn more about Brian.


Headshot of Ali Tayyeb. "The Arts and Healthcare"
Ali R. Tayyeb ('07, '10), PhD, RN, NPD-BC, PHN
Assistant Professor, Patricia A Chin School of Nursing
Learn more about Ali.

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17483 for 3 contact hours. Upon receipt of program evaluation, certificates will be emailed to the email address provided during registration after the event.

For questions about CEU's, please email Zoe-Anne Fitzhugh at [email protected].

Registered attendees may cancel their registration and receive a full refund on or before Friday, November 12, 2021. Cancellations on or after Saturday, November 13, 2021 are not eligible for refunds. In the event that the Chin Family Institute for Nursing (CFIN) must cancel the conference due to an unforeseen circumstance, CFIN will refund the cost of registration.

To request a refund or to transfer your registration to another person, please email Christina Garrison at [email protected].

This event has concluded. Thank you to all who attended. A symposium on March 25, 2022, will continue to address Psychological Trauma with a keynote by Karen Foli, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Associate Professor, Purdue University.

Please plan to attend in person. Further information will be available soon.

Cal State LA badge. Flame with leaves surrounding. Img text: Chin Family Institute for Nursing - California State University, Los Angeles

Special thanks to our planning committee for organizing this event:
Patricia A. Chin, Zoe-Anne Fitzhugh, Lorie Judson, Evaon Wong-Kim, Betsy Manchester, Theresa Murphy, and Ali Tayyeb.