A message from the
2023-2024 Alumni Scholarship Committee Chair
Dr. Raul Cardoza (’67, '73)

Dr Raul Cardoza

As this year's chair of the Cal State LA Alumni Scholarship Committee, I am honored to lead our efforts to distribute much-needed scholarships to many of our deserving students. After reviewing scholarship applications as a reader for the past three years, I have observed that we always generate an increasing number of applications every year because so many of our students come from low-income communities that simply do not have the financial resources to assist them. We hope that this year the generous donations from our alumni will increase the number of scholarship recipients and the dollar amount of the scholarships.

I invite you to consider joining our efforts to support the next generations of leaders by getting involved with the Alumni Scholarship Committee. It is a great place to give back and reconnect with Cal State LA, where you can not only benefit via our mentor or networking opportunities but also meet our fantastic students who really appreciate the commitment of our alumni.

Become a committee member and discover who our students are, and how they overcome the many obstacles they encounter to earn a degree from Cal State LA. I know you will be impressed and moved when you read their stories.

With Appreciation,
Raul Cardoza (’67, '73)
Alumni Scholarship Committee Chair

Belen Acevado

"As a low-income, first-generation college student, I have worked vigorously to not only be admitted into a four-year university but to be successful at a four-year university. Receiving this scholarship has helped me reach my goals by directly supporting and sponsoring my education so that I can one day serve to educate the future children and adults that have the power to change our communities, country, and world."
Urban Learning

Marjorie Morrison Mitchell Scholarship


Angelica Aguiniga

"I am truly blessed to have received the Cal State LA Alumni Scholarship. I am excited to see where my education will take me with the help of this scholarship. As Cal State LA has helped me achieve my academic success, I will continue to serve in my Cal State LA community. I would like to thank God for allowing me to receive this scholarship and to be able to use it to invest in my future career and endeavors. Thank you, Cal State LA alums, and to those who made this possible!"
Child Development
Alumni Association Scholarship


Sabrina Andal

"I extend my deepest gratitude to the Alumni Scholarship Committee for supporting and contributing towards my nursing education here at Cal State LA. I look forward to being able to give back to the community once I begin my nursing career and this opportunity has led me one step closer to my goals. I thank you for your confidence and willingness to help students like me achieve academic success. "
Alumni Association Scholarship


Giovani Bautista

"As someone who did not have access to a K-6 education in my country of birth, I am tremendously proud to become a transformative educator for marginalized students in this country. I am now enrolled in my last year of Counseling and it is my goal to bring equity to other students who fall through the cracks of our educational system. For me, this scholarship helps me stay away from falling through the cracks of such system, and it gets me closer my graduation. Therefore, it is my responsibility to pay it forward and bring equity on an individual and institutional level for the new generations who will become the future of our society."
Alumni Association Scholarship


Jessica Correa

"I am honored to have been selected as a recipient of the Alumni Association Scholarship. Thank you so much for your generosity, which has lessened the financial burden so that I may pursue my career in nursing. In a few months, I will graduate from the Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing, and reach my goal of becoming a pediatric registered nurse!"
Alumni Association Scholarship


Andrea Dominguez

"Receiving the Alumni Scholarship has alleviated an immense amount of financial stress that had been weighing on my shoulders. I am happy to say that this upcoming semester, I can now focus on my academics without worrying about paying my bills or the miscellaneous costs that come with college. I am thankful that my hard work and love for education has been recognized by the committee. It is comforting to know that my fellow alumni support me in the path I have chosen to take after completing my masters program. I encourage others to take the opportunity to apply to this scholarship."
Alumni Association Scholarship


Christine Figueroa

"As a future professional in rehabilitation services, I am surrounded by knowledgeable, empathetic, and imaginative educators. They inspire me to open my ears to others, be critical of systems of oppression, and fight for equity. This scholarship validates my efforts and helps to relieve my financial stress since my disability makes it difficult to take on employment in addition to school and motherhood. Thanks to the Alumni Association, my family has a greater sense of security. This honor motivates me to continue my studies and my larger journey as an advocate for Autism and disability acceptance."
Urban Learning
Alumni Association Scholarship


Joed Garbo

"This scholarship is will help alleviate some of the financial burdens for my future academic pursuits. I plan on graduating with my Bachelor of Public Health in Spring 2023, and I also plan on getting my Master of Public Health. My ambitious academic career goals will undoubtedly be a financial burden when the time comes. This scholarship will assist significantly in achieving my academic and career endeavors as a health educator. I appreciate the successful Cal State LA alumni for giving back to students who were once where they were. I hope to be part of the alumni who provide supplemental funds to students who need financial support one day."
Public Health
Community Commitment Scholarship in Honor of the Cervantes and Muro Families


Katie Gekler

"This award relieves the financial burden that I carry as a nursing student, allowing me to focus more time on my studies, rather than working extra shifts at the hospital. Ultimately, this scholarship enables me to grow within my field and a step closer to the dream of providing healthcare to communities that need it most."
Dr. Michael Finocchiaro Nursing Scholarship


Abigail Goy

"When I received the news, the first thing I did was tell my family members who have supported me since I was a child. Despite existing or lingering doubts about my capabilities and skills, having accomplished this award will always be a reminder to myself and others like me that we are capable of achieving excellence. I am so touched by this organization and hope to use my award towards furthering a future where I can one day return the favor to this kind community of people who granted me a step towards my future career as a registered nurse. I thank my family, my partner, my friends, and my teachers who supported and believed in me from the very beginning; this is for you."
Robert Hohmann Scholarship


Gracelle Ann Gutierrez

"Working and attending college full-time as a nursing student combined with the pandemic has proven to be a challenging journey. This scholarship award will allow me to continue to pursue my chosen career while focusing more on my coursework. I am graduating in 2023, and I aim to be a part of the alumni community and continue the great work they do to support students like me to achieve their goals."
Alumni Association Scholarship


Susana Hernandez

"Being awarded this scholarship will allow me to further my education and become one step closer to becoming an audiologist. Thank you to the Alumni Scholarship Committee. I hope to be able to give back to Cal State LA and the community one day!"
The Leader Scholarship

Nghia Ho

"This scholarship means a great deal to me because I am getting one step closer to my goal of becoming a pilot. I paused my journey of becoming a pilot due to financial hardships, and this award will allow me to continue my training. I want to sincerely express my gratitude to the committee and the Association for giving me this opportunity."
Aviation Administration
Alumni Association Scholarship


"As a first-generation, queer, and undocumented student, higher education often holds multiple adversities that range from social to economic. These challenges can feel overwhelming navigating the world while pursuing an undergrad degree. Being commended by Cal State LA alumni is an incredible honor that encourages my efforts in higher education. Most importantly, receiving a scholarship to further my advancement at Cal State LA is an economic relief that sustains my ability to perform well in school and engage in my community with the full capacity and energy it deserves. I am incredibly passionate about motivating others with the resources I have, and being awarded such is an honor and a joy. Thank you!"
Alumni Association Scholarship


"I am honored and humbled to have been selected to receive the Cal State LA Alumni Scholarship. Being a recipient of such an award will allow me more time to focus on my graduate studies. By not having to pursue employment opportunities outside of the university, this scholarship will allow me to fully dedicate myself to academic responsibilities and have the means to support myself as I work on my master’s thesis. This scholarship will alleviate some stress of juggling two part-time jobs, being a full-time student, and being a student-parent."
Chicana(o) & Latina(o) Studies
Alumni Association Scholarship


Brooke Mero

"I am so honored and grateful to be one of the recipients of Cal State LA's Alumni Scholarship! Receiving this award made me feel validated and supported by the educational community at Cal State LA. This award helps greatly with the financial burden of graduate school, and allows me to focus more on my studies. I worked throughout my undergraduate career to support myself and being able to put all of my energy into school is both a privilege and a blessing. As a social worker my goal is to be an agent of social change in our Los Angeles community and beyond. Thank you for investing in our dreams."
Social Work
Socorro Rivero Scholarship


Axel Munoz

"Attending Cal State LA during my undergraduate program allowed me to grow as an individual and propelled me to pursue graduate studies. As a first generation Salvadorean American, navigating through academia has had its difficult times. I am grateful to receive the Alumni Scholarship as it is providing me with the support I need to continue with my graduate studies. I am excited to represent Cal State LA in my future academic and career endeavors in which one day I, too will be able to support students like myself."
Alumni Association Scholarship


Jennifer Nazario
"As a first-generation, low-income Latinx graduate student, I am grateful for receiving this scholarship to sustain my graduate studies. This scholarship will allow me to focus on my graduate studies, afford transportation, books, and other fees. When I started this graduate program, I was worried about not being able to finish my degree due to having to work full-time to provide for myself and my family.It is reassuring to know that there is a support system at Cal State LA that will allow me to further my education and research interests. In the future, I hope to give back and help the next generation of scholars at Cal State LA, so that more students continue to reach upward mobility."
Business Alumni Network Scholarship


Brianna Newitt

"I am so grateful to the Cal State LA Alumni Association for their support of current students and their belief in us to have a positive impact on our communities. As a graduate student in Social Work, there are very few opportunities for funding. This scholarship allows me to focus on my education, my mental health, and campus activities while relieving some of the financial barriers. Thank you!"
Social Work
Alumni Association Scholarship


Alisa Quon

"Throughout my time at Cal State LA, I’ve been blessed with many opportunities to grow professionally and personally.  As I complete my last semester, receiving this scholarship means a lot as it encourages me to finish strong, give back, and feel more confident as I prepare for the next chapter in my life."
Alumni Association Scholarship


Tatev Sarkissyan

" It is an incredible feeling to be recognized by the Alumni Scholarship Committee. Cal State LA has shaped my academic and professional career; it has touched my life in an immense way and I am happy to know that I have touched it in some way as well. It is a privilege and an honor to be recognized as an Alumni Scholarship recipient!"
Special Education
Education Alumni Network Scholarship


Stephanie Varghese
"When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, my household income was suddenly cut in half; it became immediately clear that I would only be able to continue my research and college education with the support to fund it. Awards like the Robert Hohmann Scholarship are insuring that I can stay a scientist. Thanks to this scholarship, the guidance of my phenomenal research mentor Dr. Sasha Wright, and endless support from the MORE Programs of Cal State LA, I am developing my honors thesis, publishing my research, presenting at worldwide conferences, and traveling to prospective PhD programs across the continent. I am forever grateful to the Alumni Association and the Cal State LA community for believing in me and investing in my potential!"
Robert Hohmann Scholarship


"Being selected as an Alumni Scholarship recipient was confirmation that I am on the right path to creating a more sufficient and happier life for my son and I. I took an involuntary ten-year break from school. Returning to pursue my academics was quite difficult; learning new technology, appropriating the etiquette of an email and accepting the fact that I was an entire decade older than my peers. I worked twice as hard to keep up through tears and long nights. I constantly reminded myself why I was doing this, what the outcome will be. I want my son to know anything is possible, no matter the limitations. The Alumni Scholarship has given me confidence in my academic career, that I am not a failure and to see myself as an influence, not a burden. Thank you."
Criminal Justice
The Leader Scholarship

The Alumni Scholarship Program provides students with financial assistance in recognition of their leadership, service, participation in student activities, and academic excellence. To qualify for an Alumni Scholarship, students must have a minimum 3.5 Cal State LA GPA.  Additionally,

  • Undergraduate student Alumni Scholarships are awarded to students at Cal State LA who demonstrate leadership involvement on campus and/or in the community.
  • Graduate student Alumni Scholarships are awarded to students at Cal State LA who demonstrate leadership and achievement in their academic department, college, professional career, and/or community.

The following scholarships are housed under the auspices of the Cal State LA Alumni Association:

  • Alumni Association Scholarship
  • Asian Support Group Scholarship
  • Black Support Group Scholarship
  • Business Alumni Network Scholarship
  • Chicanx Latinx University Alumni Network Scholarship
  • Community Commitment Scholarship in Honor of the Cervantes and Muro Families
  • Dr. Michael Finocchiaro Nursing Scholarship
  • Education Alumni Network Scholarship
  • Engineering Alumni Network Scholarship
  • The Leader Scholarship
  • Marjorie Morrison Mitchell Scholarship
  • The New World Scholarship
  • Nursing Alumni Network Scholarship 
  • Renaissance Man/Woman Scholarship
  • Robert Hohmann Alumni Scholarship
  • Socorro Rivero Scholarship

To view the full list of available scholarship opportunities, specific criteria, and to apply, please visit the Cal State LA Office of Financial Aid website.

Alumni Scholarships are made possible through the generosity of alumni and friends who believe in investing in the futures of students.

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What is the Cal State LA Alumni Scholarship Committee?
The Cal State LA Alumni Scholarship Committee is responsible for reviewing scholarship applications and selecting the award recipients. The committee consists of volunteers who are all degree holding alumni of Cal State LA. Every year, volunteers can join or re-join the Scholarship Committee.

How long will I be a member of the Scholarship Committee?
The Scholarship Committee is active from about March to October, with four (4) meetings taking place between April – June, during which members review and score applications, interview semi-finalists, and deliberate on the final recipients. Members of the committee will receive a calendar of meetings.

I do not have experience reviewing and scoring scholarship applications. Can I still be a member? 
Absolutely! Members of the Scholarship Committee receive training on the application review process, which utilizes an online platform. This allows members to review and score applications at their convenience. Alumni staff are available to answer questions and offer support during the entire process. 

How often does the Scholarship Committee meet?
The Scholarship Committee meets four (4) times from April - June. During this time, members review and score their assigned applications and interview semi-finalists. To accommodate students, semi-finalist interviews are held on one Saturday in June from about 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., though the time may change based on the number of semi-finalists. The Scholarship Committee is also invited to attend the Scholarship Recipients Recognition event in the fall. 

How many scholarship applications do committee members read? 
The number of applications each member reviews depends on the total number of applications we receive.

I am interested in becoming a member of the Scholarship Committee, what are my next steps? 
To join the Cal State LA Alumni Scholarship Committee, new members must complete and submit a volunteer application and resume to Marisol Cruz, Assistant Director, Alumni and Student Programs for Alumni Relations. Returning members do not have to submit a form or resume.