Program Learning Outcomes for the BA/MA in Anthropology
1. Knowledge Base: Demonstrate a general understanding of human cultural and biological differences and similarities across the world and through time in terms of anthropological data and theories by obtaining:
1.1 A solid understanding of the nature of the four sub-fields of anthropology (archaeology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology and anthropological linguistics)
1.2 As well as how these interrelate to provide a holistic approach to understanding human differences and similarities and our place in nature as a member of Primata
1.3 Knowledge of cultures across the world and over time, past and present.
2. Written and Verbal Proficiency: Ability to write and speak proficiently about knowledge of the significant findings of archaeology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, and anthropological linguistics.
2.1 Specifically, with familiarity to the important issues in each sub-discipline
2.2 Knowledge of the history of anthropological thought and its place in modern intellectual history
3. Multiculturalism and Diversity: Show comprehension of multiculturalism as a significant phenomenon shaping global society and interaction with the larger Los Angeles, California, and global community. This may be done in:
3.1 fieldwork
3.2 presentation of research
3.3 engagement with community stakeholders
3.4 public outreach.
4. Critical Thinking: Formulate significant abilities in critical thinking and reasoning as applied to anthropological problems and issues to include:
4.1 knowledge of the research methods of the sub-disciplines of anthropology,
4.2 ability to apply appropriate research methods in at least one sub-discipline,
4.3 familiarity with the forms of anthropological data and literature with working knowledge of how to access such information.
5. Professional Development: Incorporate professional development by demonstrating both qualitative and quantitative methods into
5.1 research methodology
5.2 discipline ethical practices
5.3 engagement with the urban and global environment