It's Your Decision
Dating/domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, and other crime victims and survivors have a number of options available to them. This page identifies some of these options. We encourage the campus community to take advantage of helpful resources. However, it is also a victims' or survivors' right to choose against any and all options identified here.
Know and believe that you are not at fault!
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Survivors don’t cause nor do they deserve abuse, assaults, stalking, or any other crimes or misconduct committed against them. Survivors are not responsible for someone else’s actions, no matter what a perpetrator or others may say.
Get help!
Call or text 911 in an emergency or if you are in imminent danger—Report incidents to local law enforcement or University Police.
- If applicable, responding officers can request an emergency protection order.
- University Police: North end of Lot 1 • 323-343-3700 (Call 911 for emergencies)
- Local law enforcement agencies
An agreement with Peace Over Violence has established on-campus advocacy services for students. For information on available services and to schedule an appointment, please visit Peace Over Violence Campus Advocate.
24-hour hotlines operated by local and national agencies provide round-the-clock assistance to adults and children who are survivors and victims of dating and domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking.
Services generally include crisis intervention counseling; safety planning; evidence preservation recommendations; accompaniment and support for forensic exams and law enforcement and criminal justice interviews; short-term and long-term counseling; support groups; emergency shelter or shelter referrals; legal assistance; and referrals.
National 24-hour hotlines provide assistance and connect survivors and concerned friends and family with local agencies. For phone and online chat assistance, contact the:
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 • 800-787-3224 (TTY)
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)
- National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 866-331-9474
Contact information for a selection of local hotlines is available at Project SAFE's 24-Hour Hotlines and Local Services.
Obtaining appropriate medical care as soon as possible after an assault is important for survivor health and well-being—even when there are no apparent injuries. As certain forms of care are time-sensitive, it is very important to consider seeking medical attention as soon as possible after an assault.
Assistance with locating an appropriate care facility is available through 24-hour hotlines, local law enforcement, the Title IX Officer, and University Police. You can also view Survivor Assistance at the Student Health Center.
Care options:
Emergency contraception
- Emergency contraception consists of pills (sometimes called “morning after pills”) or intrauterine contraceptives that can lower pregnancy risk after a rape. Emergency contraception must be administered within 5 days (120 hours) of a sexual assault.
Evidence collection
- Medical providers can assist survivors with evidence preservation and documentation. Evidence preservation is important in the event a victim decides at a future date to report incidents, seek a protective/restraining order, or file a civil lawsuit. For information on evidence preservation, click on evidence preservation.
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (HIV PrEP)
- HIV PrEP is a daily HIV medication that reduces the chances of getting infected with HIV by up to 99%. It is for individuals with an ongoing risk of getting infected with HIV. Click on Get PrEP LA for important details and to find a medical provider. Click on HIV PrEP for additional information from
HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (HIV PEP)
- HIV PEP is a medication that can prevent HIV infection after exposure to HIV. It must be started within 72 hours after potential exposure. Click on Get PrEP LA for details and to find a medical provider. Click on HIV PEP for additional information from
Injury care and treatment
- Survivors should seek medical care as soon as they are able after an assault, even when there are no apparent injuries. In addition, medical providers will document injuries identified during examinations.
Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment
- STI care may include testing for common STIs and prophylactic treatment (medication or vaccination) to reduce the chance of STI infection after potential exposure. Care should be sought as soon as possible after a sexual assault. Click on Sexually Transmitted Infections for information on STIs from the CDC.
Dating and domestic violence, sexual misconduct and violence, stalking, and trafficking can have a profound emotional impact on survivors and victims. Counseling and psychological services can help survivors cope while living with ongoing abuse and the aftermath of incidents.
Local agencies offer crisis counseling 24/7 through their 24-hour hotlines. Agencies also offer specialized short-term and long-term counseling and support groups. National hotlines can connect survivors with local victim assistance agencies. Counseling is also available through the Student Health Center's Counseling and Psychological Services.
Safety planning, although not a safety guarantee, is important to help reduce the risk of harm. Please be aware that the highest risk of lethal danger is when perpetrators threaten to kill themselves or others, and when victims plan/attempt to end their relationships with their abusers or have recently left their abusers.
What is Safety Planning?
According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline...
A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that includes ways to remain safe while in a relationship, planning to leave, or after you leave. Safety planning involves how to cope with emotions, tell friends and family about the abuse, take legal action, and more.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline safety plans with victims, friends, and family members — anyone who is concerned about their own safety or the safety of someone else.
A good safety plan will have all of the vital information you need and be tailored to your unique situation and will help walk you through different scenarios.
Although some of the things you outline in your safety plan may seem obvious, it’s important to remember that in moments of crisis your brain doesn’t function the same way as when you are calm. It can be hard to think clearly or make logical decisions about your safety when in crisis. Having a safety plan laid out in advance can help you protect yourself in those stressful moments.
A safety plan might include:
- Making decisions based on the risk of harm to self and children.
- Consulting with a hotline and police to find out how to reduce risk when living with a perpetrator and in other high-risk situations.
- Telling trusted people about the situation and developing a plan or signal for when help is needed.
- Teaching and practicing with children how to reach safety and call 911.
- Identifying safe places to escape to when at home, school, or work to avoid an attack; or go to as soon as possible after an assault.
- Taking advantage of safety measures coordinated by the Cal State LA Title IX Officer or University Police.
Avoiding being alone with the perpetrator whenever possible.
Using the escort services of University Police’s Eagle Patrol when on campus.
- Varying daily schedules as much as possible and changing travel routes.
- Carrying a cell phone at all times and making sure the battery is always as fully charged as possible.
- Having extra money, clothes, medications, other essentials, and copies of important documents (e.g., credit card accounts, birth certificates, mortgage papers) stored with a trusted person the abuser is not aware of.
- Obtaining a protection/restraining order and making sure a copy is on file with University Police.
- Consulting with local law enforcement or an appropriate attorney regarding child custody and abduction laws prior to leaving a relationship.
For helpful safety planning strategies visit:
Please Note: As safety needs vary depending on circumstances, consulting with a 24-hour hotline, local law enforcement, University Police, Campus Advocate, or the Title IX Officer is recommended.
- What is a Safety Plan? (National Domestic Violence Hotline)
- Physical Safety (Victim Connect Resource Center)
- Reaching Out (Los Angeles County Department of Public Health)
- Safety Planning (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
Evidence preservation is important in the event a survivor decides to report the crime or file a civil lawsuit, right after an incident or at a future date. General evidence preservation information may be found through Project SAFE's Evidence Preservation page.
Detailed evidence preservation tips are available through 24-hour hotlines and law enforcement agencies.
Note: If incidents will not be immediately reported to law enforcement or campus authorities (e.g., Title IX Officer), evidence should be kept in a safe place where a perpetrator is not likely to discover it.
Civil Lawsuit
Crime survivors have the right to file a civil lawsuit against their perpetrators and other responsible parties. This is an important right because restitution and compensation (see descriptions below) may not fully cover a survivor's financial losses or pay for emotional damages (i.e., pain and suffering).
A civil lawsuit is an alternative or supplemental method for seeking full compensation. Civil Cases in California provides helpful information for those considering pursuing a civil lawsuit. Additional information and related legal assistance may be found through:
The California Victim Compensation Program helps pay crime-related expenses for certain violent crimes. Qualifying crimes include those that involve physical injury, threat of physical injury, emotional injury (in some cases), and death, including:
- Assault with a deadly weapon
- Battery
- Child abuse
- Child sexual abuse
- Domestic violence
- Human trafficking
- Kidnapping
- Rape
- Sexual assault
- Sexual battery
- Stalking
Eligible victims include direct victims of crimes, as well as those who are derivative victims (e.g., a victim's parent, spouse, child, domestic partner, or roommate). Good Samaritans can also be eligible.
The program may pay for expenses such as home security, relocation, medical and dental treatment, mental health services, and income loss. For additional information or to apply for the program, visit the California Victim Compensation Board.
California law grants crime victims the right to restitution - financial compensation from convicted offenders for crime-related expenses. Details are available through the Restitution Recovery Program (California Victim Compensation Board).
Confidential Reporting
For those who want assistance, but prefer not to file formal reports or complaints, the following confidential reporting resources are available:
Formal Reporting and Complaint Filing
University Police
- University Police: North end of Lot 1 • 323-343-3700 (Call 911 for emergencies)
Title IX Officer and Deputy Title IX Coordinators
The Title IX Officer and Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
- Oversee and implement the University’s complaint and investigation processes. Details regarding these procedures and related information can be found by visiting the Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Title IX.
- Coordinate and provide: safety measures; academic, work, housing, and transportation accommodations, if requested and reasonably available; referrals; information related to victims’ rights; and other assistance. This assistance is available even when victims choose not to report the crimes against them to law enforcement or the crimes occur off-campus.
For assistance, information, and incident reporting, contact:
Campus Title IX Officer
Mariel S. Mulet
Director of Human Resources Equity and Diversity Policies and Procedures
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Student Services Building, Room 6381
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Phone: 323-343-3040
Fax: 323-343-3662
Crime Reporting and Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Victims
The use of alcohol or drugs never makes the survivor at fault for sexual misconduct and violence.
California Penal Code §13823.11 states that if testing is done to determine if alcohol or other drugs were associated with an attempted or completed sexual assault as part of a forensic rape exam that "...Toxicology results obtained pursuant to this paragraph shall not be admissible in any criminal or civil action or proceeding against any victim who consents to the collection of physical evidence pursuant to this paragraph. Except for purposes of prosecuting or defending the crime or crimes necessitating the examination specified by this section, any toxicology results obtained pursuant to this paragraph shall be kept confidential, may not be further disclosed, and shall not be required to be disclosed by the victim for any purpose not specified in this paragraph. The victim shall specifically be informed of the immunity and confidentiality safeguards provided herein."
In addition, survivors should not be reluctant to report incidents of sexual misconduct and violence to campus officials because they are concerned they might be disciplined for violating University policies. As described in the CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation, Cal State LA's primary concern is the safety of the campus community. Students will not be disciplined for related Student Conduct Code violations that occur at or near the time of incidents "unless the campus determines the conduct places the health and safety of another person at risk or is otherwise egregious. The campus may; however, have an education discussion with the person or pursue other educational remedies regarding alcohol or other drugs."
Protection/restraining orders are court orders that can help protect victims from abuse, stalking, serious harassment, threats of violence, and other crimes. These orders can be an important component of a safety plan.
Crime victims have the right to request a restraining order from a superior court. There are different types of restraining orders, each of which applies to a different set of circumstances. For information on protection/restraining orders, please visit the Project SAFE Survivors' Rights page.
Important Note: Restraining orders should be on file with University Police to ensure they can respond to on-campus violations.
Although we encourage survivors to report crimes, preserve evidence and obtain help as soon as possible; survivors have the right to report incidents and seek assistance at a later date, and to not report or seek assistance at all—if they so choose.
Campus Options for Victims and Survivors
- View reporting options at Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Title IX
- View additional rights and options at Rights and Options for Victims of Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking
- File a complaint at Title IX/DHR Online Reporting Form
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