The Graduate Degree Program: History MA

What is the Masters Program Like?

  • small classes, offered in evenings for working students
  • close working relationships with professors
  • the chance to pursue subjects of interest in depth

Where do MA graduates go after their degree?

  • Doctoral programs: at prestigious doctoral programs in history, American studies, and ethnic studies at institutions like UCLA, USC, Yale, Iowa, Indiana, George Washington, and Minnesota. 
  • Community College Positions: recent graduates have gotten tenure-track jobs at  East Los Angeles College, Rio Hondo College, Glendale College, Santa Ana College, and LA Trade Tech College.
  • Public History/Library/Archival Positions: at institutions like Los Angeles Public Library, CSU Dominguez Hills Special Collections, the Drum Barracks Museum, 
  • Enhanced Career Opportunities for both current and prospective middle school and secondary school teachers
  • A wide variety of other careers in areas like journalism, media, and business research 

Program Information

Please see the Documents page for further materials including forms for current students and the Department Highlights page for further information on areas of specialization.