Image of students in a painting studio with easels, shot from above
Image of a conductor in front of an orchestra of student musicians on stage
Image of a student in a green suit in front of a green screen being filmed.
Image of students in a painting studio with easels, shot from above
Image of a conductor in front of an orchestra of student musicians on stage
Image of a student in a green suit in front of a green screen being filmed.
The College of Arts and Letters is a diverse and vibrant community dedicated to the success of our students. We are home to nationally acclaimed undergraduate and graduate programs in the humanities, visual and media arts and performing arts. Located in the entertainment capital of the world, our campus provides student access to world-renowned venues and a rich variety of scholars, artists and performers from a host of fields and professions.
Our rigorous curriculum prepares students for successful careers in today’s multicultural environment and global economy. Through discussion, group work and hands-on learning, our world-class faculty cultivate student knowledge, skill and talent.
Our distinguished alumni attest to our long record of success in helping our students achieve their personal and professional goals. By supporting the College of Arts and Letters, you help us nurture intellect, ignite passion and create opportunities for current and future students. 
  • TVFM Building Endowment to maintain and purchase equipment and hire influential faculty
  • State Playhouse/Music Hall Renovation Campaign
  • Art Department Endowment to create an animation institute
  • Scholarships (all departments)
  • Music education
For more information on how to support the College of Arts and Letters, please contact:
Stephen M. Trzaskoma, Ph.D. 
Dean, College of Arts and Letters
(323) 343-4001
[email protected]

Kevin Doody
Major Gift Officer,
University Advancement
(323) 343-3071
[email protected]