Approved Policies AY 2017-18

AY 2017-2018


Please note: Policies in which the effective term has passed have been updated in the Faculty Handbook.
Associate and Assistant College and Library Deans - Chapter III (Effective Spring 2018)
Electronic Recording of Classroom Lectures and Classroom Activities - Chapter V (Effective Spring 2018)
Preferred Name Policy -  Chapter V (Effective Spring 2018)
Missed Class Time and Makeup Policy - Chapter V (Effective Fall 2017)
Constitution of the Faculty and Academic Senate California State University, Los Angeles - Appendix C (Effective Spring 2018)
Retired Faculty - Emeritus Status - Chapter VIII (Effective Spring 2018)
Office Hours - Chapter VI (Effective Spring 2018)
The Fiscal Policy Committee - Chapter II (Effective Fall 2018)
Peer Observations of Instruction - Chapter VI (Effective Fall 2018)
Grade Reporting; "Incomplete" Grades; "RP" Grades; Change of Grade; Credit/No-Credit Grading and A through C-/NC Grading; Policy for Graduate Students - Chapter V (Effective Fall 2018)